Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My eyes shot up in fear as I have dreamt of something so horrid you cannot un-see. My hands glistened in sweat as it was a balled up in a fist, scrunched up as I gripped tight, but let go as I relax myself.

I look back at Harry and see him peacefully asleep, I feel parched, yet I don't want to disturb his dream.

I grab my glasses from the counter and put them on my eyes, I check the time and it was nearly 4am. I stand up from the bed but immediately stop when I hear his raspy voice.

"Ariana?" I look at him and awkwardly smile, "sorry, go back to sleep I'm just going to get a glass of wate-"

"I told you to ask me if you needed anything. Why didn't you just ask me?"

"I'm sorry okay? I just didn't want to disturb you, you looked tired earlier and you were asleep, of course I wouldn't ask you. I didn't want to bother you with what you were dreaming or anything."

"Just go back to sleep. Thanks anyways, I'll get you water."

"No Harry it's fi-"

"Go to sleep." He stands up but I stay in my spot crossing my arms.

"Harry no. You go back to sleep this instant."

"Make me." He smirks walking towards me, ugh that raspy voice is everything.

"And why should I? Your a grown man. You know how to sleep."

"Oh Ariana, innocent innocent Ariana." His hand touches my cheek coming closer as his lips touch my ear, slowly breathing

"Go to sleep, listen to me darling." He whispers caressing my my arm up and down as he lets go of my cheek, while the other hand was wrapped around my waist.

"No." I simply stated.

He chuckles in my ear gripping on to my waist tightly, he picks me up and over his shoulder.

"Harry! Put me down now!!"

"Yes m'lady." He sets me down on my bed hovering his shirtless body over me, filled with mesmerizing tattoos you just want to trace your finger with.

"Go to sleep princess." He smirks getting off the bed and walking towards the door, he opens it and closes it as he his downstairs to fetch me a glass of water.

"What the hell.."

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