Chapter 4

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November 28, 1955 [ Saturday ]
Chapter 4
I grabbed my coat off the coat rack and put it over my body, as well for my vintage brown sneakers, on my feet.

I wore a long sleeve green top, denim overall dress and some black stockings, I covered my outfit as I buttoned up my plaid coat. I put a scarf around my neck not wanting to get cold from the breeze of London. Some of my hair was pinned back while the rest of my hair was down, I don't want hair getting in my face and having it get stuck on my Lip gloss.

Remembering the number Harry has given me yesterday, I call him.. Twisting the phone in a circular rotation as it typed in the number.

I bring the phone to my ear as I wait for him to reply..


"Hi, it's me Ariana. Just wanted to know where we can meet?"

"How about on Honeymoon Avenue. The park? Just sit on the park bench and wait for me, or I wait for you. Depending on who arrives first.."

"Oh ok! See you there." The call ends and I exit my flat, locking the door before I do anything else. I start walking and before I knew it, I was already there.

I notice Harry is not here yet so I sit on the bench fumbling with my thumbs as I wait for him to arrive. Why am I so nervous..

"Ariana..?" I hear his husky voice once again, causing my head to rise up and look at his perfectly shaped face. I smile as he sits next to me, grinning showing his adorable dimples of his.

"You had a good sleep?" He said. "I for sure did. I dreamt about.. Okay that's personal." He chuckles at his own saying and I smile lightly trying to remember my dream. Eh I got nothing.

"I had a good sleep yes, but I don't remember my dream.. Honestly I barely ever remember my dreams. Well.. It depends." I reply back shyly

"Don't be scared love." He tilts my chin, making my heart beat 5x faster.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Your obviously nervous when your around me all the time. I don't bite, so there's really nothing you should worry abo-"

"No Harry, I'm not nervous. Well maybe a bit but I'm just shy. Despite..I'm the one who came up to you."

He chuckles standing up and bringing his arm out, waiting for me take it to help me stand up from my own seat. I sit up myself declining his offer. "No Thank you, I can do it myself."

"Independent aren't ya?"

We continue to walk, laughing at each other stories and how relatable we can be, and how different we are.

It starts raining, Harry and I look at each other. With him looking at me with wide eyes, but as for me.. I smile and start laughing as rain continues to drop on us, wetting our coats and hair.

"Come on!" He starts smiling as well, grabbing a hold of my hand and bringing me somewhere I'm not sure of.

"Harry, where are we going?" I continue to laugh and so does he as we splash rain puddles, running in speed. He ignores my question and we arrive in a flat, I guess this is where he lives.

He unlocks his flat and we quickly enter closing his door immediately.

"You can put your coat here, my flat is pretty warm anyways. I'm pretty sure you'd want to take it off anyways.. We're soaking wet." He continues to laugh and so do I.

"Here let me help you." He helps take off my coat and I smile. "Thank You."

He hangs my coat on the coat rack and looks back at me, "There's not really anything to do in my house but.. Knock yourself out?.."

I nod walking to his living room and observing it, he has a nice place. I gasp I see a Record player and a stack of Frank Sinatra. I run to the record Player, applying the CD and turning it on.

" me to the moon..."

"I see your a Frank Sinatra fan?" He smiles walking towards me. "Well, of course I am!"

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