Chapter 12

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"Do like that lad Harry at the bar?" Louis asks

"Yah he's a cool guy.. Why do you ask?"

"No.. I mean as in Like Like him..."

"Uhm..heh maybe a little." I blush remembering last nights events.

"Well.. You know I could give you more than what he's willing to do for you." The doorbell rings once he finish he sentence and I clear my throat. "Excuse me.." I stand up to open the door and think about what he has said to me. What does he mean?...

"Good Morning beautiful." I look back at Louis and back at Harry and then laugh nervously. "Good Morning, Harry."

"What's he doing here?" Louis walks up to the door and Harry eyes him. "No, what are you doing here...? Ariana would you care to explain??"

"I uh.. Uh I... Louis just c-came here for a visit. He wanted to talk with me about something." Harry nods but still had observant face glued on as he looks at Louis with his piercing green eyes.

"Exactly." Louis smiles. "Ariana, would you like to come with me to the drive in this Saturday?"

"She can't." Harry states sternly

"And why not?" Louis walks up closer to Harry. "Because I've already gotten tickets for us to go the Drive in On Saturday." He lied. I'd tell the truth but I chose to stay quiet. I don't know what to do..

"Oh.. W-well than. I suppose next time, is that fine with you Ariana?." I look at Harry and he rolls his eyes. "S-sure. Of course Louis."

"Well, see you next Saturday then! Careful okay?" He gives Harry this nervous look. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BE CARE--" I cut Harrys rants and closed the door, bringing him inside "Byeee Louis!! Hehe."

"Harry? Why did you lie?" I put my hands on my hips and he chuckles. "Your adorable when your mad." He giggles pulling me closer to him. "Trust me.. Just, don't question it."

"Okay. I trust you, but I can go to the drive in with him on Saturday right? He seems like a nice guy." I smile as Harry wraps his arms around my waist "Okay.. Fine. But I'll be waiting for you outside my house."

"Why do you want me to come to your house?"

"It's a surprise." He pecks my cheek and I couldn't help but blush. What are we? What do all these hugs and kisses make us?.. I need to know. But I'm afraid to ask. Darn...

"So Styles, what's our adventure today?" I giggle and he smiles "come with me."
Poor Louis, His mother is very proud of him and I just wish the best for him through the these rough days, RIP Johanna, she'll forever be in our thoughts. ❤️❤️

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