Chapter 29

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(Not edited)

I woke up from my slumber with tired eyes, as I sat up I leaned on my headboard. Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I stare at the terrace view in front of me, although I wasn't on the terrace I could still see some of the view from here. Anywho, my eyes were redder than a ripe red pepper. I sobbed out loud, I heard a knock on my terrace and saw Louis..I sobbed even more. He had a pleading look so I just opened it knowing my life was going to end, honestly.. Just end it already omg.

"Love..I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He pulls me into a hug and I didn't even care. My heart was too tired from all the stress. I look at the rope that was hanging from the terrace and I roll my eyes.

"Louis what are you doing here?"

"I just want to say sorry, okay? For everything I've done. Seeing you in stress just makes me feel pity for you."

"I forgive you Louis, please don't ruin it." He chuckles. "I promise, thanks Ariana."

"Can I be alone for now? I'll talk to you later okay? I just need some alone time right now." He nods. "Of course love."

He goes down his rope and I waited for him to be all the way down, once he was down I untied the rope and let it fall to the floor. I shut my terrace door closed and hide myself in my blankets, crying myself till I die.

Harry has forgotten about me and I have no one anymore, Rowan's been stuck in school studying for finals. Louis can cut his act saying he's here for me when really he probably isn't. Can everything just go back to the way it was? Happy me prancing through my used to be happy imagination and life? I'm so stressed from everything. Mariana, Harry, Louis, Rowan, me, and most importantly my dead mom.

• •
I run my fingers down Marianas hair, looking at her red eyes I kiss her forehead. I haven't seen Ariana for what's been a month and I was afraid, Is she even alive?

My heart started beating fast.."Ariana."
I can't believe I forgot about her. What the hell?

I quickly grab my coat and was able to take a taxi, giving him the address he nods bringing me there as fast as he could.

As I arrived at the apartments I quickly go the elevator and was finally on Level 10 of the building. I went to room 408 and knock on the door.

"Ariana please open up."

I heard her footsteps and she opens up, she was a mess. Her eyes were puffy, she was wearing a huge sweater and fuzzy socks, and her hair was everywhere. "Baby." She closes the door letting me in and I watch as she walks to her room in distraught, I follow her.

She sits down in bed and looks at the bed sheets, staring blankly at it. "Ariana, talk to me." I place a hand on her thigh and a tear fell out of her cheek. "Come here." I bring her into a hug and that's when she let it all out. "Harry I don't know what to do anymore."


"Harry I miss my mom so much, I don't have anyone anymore." I let go of his grip and stand up walking back and forth in anxiety.

"I don't have anyone anymore."

"Ariana stop it."

"I can't! Don't you understand you can't stop it! The only way to stop is to kill yourself but killing won't solve anything! I really want to stop it but I can't!"

"When I said stop it I didnt mean to kill yourself." I heard anger in his voice.

"Then what do you mean? Stop panicking well I can't! I can't okay?"my eyes were swelling up. "Harry just kill me already!---" his eyes were filled with anger and he pushes me against the wall. "Don't you ever say that again Mari--- Ariana."

"Mariana? Mariana? Are you fucking with me Harry?"

I close my eyes and breath in slowly. "Harry I'm sorry." I let go of his grip and slide down the wall in distress. Covering my eyes with my sweater paw.

"Hey, it's going to be alright okay?" He kneels down kissing my forehead. "Stay strong babe."

He watched me as I crawl over to the big creme colored box under my bed, I take it out and open it, inside was a pink dress my mom wore at the Royal dance that happens once every 2 years in August in the city. Which is happening this year...

I hold the dress in my hand and held it to my body and snuggled my face into it, still smelling like my mom I cry, not too much to ruin the dress. I pulled out the necklace that placed above it and it had a picture of my grandpa in it, mom was close to him too, closer than him than with grandma.

"I miss you so much Mom."

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