Chapter 23

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Ariana and I were currently laughing and throwing pillows at each other as I try to tickle her.

She giggles as I caught her from her back and carry her bridal style downstairs. She was wearing my white t shirt and as I continue walking down stairs, she just wraps her arms around my neck kissing my cheek. Okay... I guess I can stop tickling her. She called me a dickhead that's why.

"Me lubs u Harry." She smiles as I continue to carry her to the kitchen, and placing her on the counter. "COLD! COLD COUNTER!" She sits up and I laugh.

"Me lubs you too ari." I kiss her on the button of her nose and she continues to sit there, admiring the flowers inside the vase.

Fuck. I love Ariana.
As she stirs the pancake mix we hear a doorbell, we look at each other.. "I'll get it!" Ariana smiles and I nod continuing to wash the dishes.

I open the door and see Rowan, my little sister. She was crying. What is she doing here?? Harrys house?

"Rowan??" I hug her and she sobs into my chest. "Rowan what's wrong?" I look at her and she wipes her tears away. "Ariana...its mom." She continues to cry.

"What happened? Is she alright?" I ask with tears about to flood my eyes as I think of what kind of terrible thing could have happened.

"S-she's gone. She's.. Gone Ari. She..she killed herself this morning. Instead of running to school I went all the way to your house and you weren't there! So I asked mrs.gardner and she said you were probably at this guy named Harrys house and I found his address on a piece of paper I found on your counter table and ran here, and-and.." She continues to cry and i was emotionless. Mom..

Rowan took this note out of her pocket and handed it to me. "It has the girls name... Mariana."

"You kissed him. - Mariana." it read

I bring Rowan in and set her down the couch. "Stay here dear." She nods and I walk to the kitchen and Harry found me crying. "Baby.. What's wrong? Who was at the door?" He ask wiping my tears away.

"M-my sister..she's 15, she's sitting on the couch. But before you meet her I need to talk to you first." More tears start brimming out of my eyes.

"My-my mom. S-she's dead." I said it, being straight-forward to him about it.

"How?" He pulls me into a hug and we let go, I hand him the paper and he reads it. His mouth slightly opens agape.  His eyes filled anger but he blinked it away "Aria-Ariana I'm so sorry" he pulls me into another hug.

"Ariana?" We let go and Rowan runs to me hugging me as she cries. "I know you told me to stay there but I couldn't help it. I don't like knowing your sad and I know you don't like seeing me sad, I just really need comfort right now."

"It's okay dear, I'm here for you always." I kiss my sisters forehead. "Your all I've got left." I hold her tighter. Our dads in prison for assaulting a teenage girl walking home from school.

We let go and Rowan stares at Harry, smiling. "I'm Rowan." She smiles sticking her hand out. Harry smiles and puts her hand down, "I'm Harry." bringing her into a hug which she gladly took in.

"I needed that." Rowan mumbles. She lets go and goes to me, whispering something in my ear that was loud enough for Harry to hear.

"He's hot." Rowan sniffles as she looks at me with a sad face. I chuckle, she always has ways to brighten up the mood. Harry laughs. "I know right?" I agreed with her.

"I missed you." She smiles with tears still flowing. "I miss you too."



"What does that note mean?" I look at Harry. And he sighs. He grabs Rowan by the hands and tell her everything.

"Ariana.." Rowan says again.

"Yes?" Hoping she isn't mad.

"Can you tell him to stop holding my hand, it's just making him even look more hotter!" She whines.

"Yah Harry! Stop holding her hands." I slap him playfully. He smiles cheekily tapping my nose."

I go to Rowan and bring her hands to mine. "We'll get through this okay?" She nods. "You can stay with me for the week. Is it okay if you live with Grandma and Grandpa? She'll need someone right now and you know she's closer to you as im closer to grandpa. Grandpa will need you too. Please?"

"I'd love too. I strongly dislike seeing grandma and grandpa sad."

"You two are so cute." Harry stares at the both of us.

"UGH SHUT UP HOTTIE!" My sister and I yell. We look at each other and laugh and so does Harry backing away a little.

"I told you." I told my sister.

"What?" She asks.

"Our mother has just died.. And you always have a way to brighten up the mood even if you're so sad."

"No Ariana.. You're wrong."

"Why's that?"

"You make me happy even in your darkest of days. We make each other happy." I smile at her and she smiles back.

"I'm here for the both of you." Harry puts each of his hand on our shoulder and kisses my cheek; which my sister pretends to throw up at.

"Oh grow up." Harry messes up Rowan's hair and she laughs.


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