Chapter 42

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"Put me down Harold!" Ariana screams and laughs as I carry her back to the house. "Please I want to run more!" She whines. I carried her like I was holding a potato sack. Her legs were hanging and so was her head.

"Ugh Harry get your butt out of my face!" She laughs slapping it. Cutie

"Get your face out of my butt." She sighs taking a deep breath in and out.

"I'm not letting you go."

"I don't know about that, I can be a little scrappy." She moves her legs hitting my stomach and I slapped her ass multiple times as she almost hit my balls. "Ariana!" I laugh and she starts laughing in the most cutest way ever honestly, I think it's because her body is literally hanging on my shoulder and her head is above my ass.

"Harry you should show your back more often." She lets her head lean against it.

"Why so?"

"It looks attractive and it turns me on." She giggles lightly.


We finally arrive back home and I put her down. "You're as light as a feather." She chuckles hugging my bare body as I lean against the counter. Her hair resting against my chest as I run my fingers down her hair; kissing her forehead. "I love you so much Harry." I loved how those 3 strong words came out of her mouth so magically, as if the heavens really wanted us together.

We stayed like this for at least 5 minutes. "I love you more Ariana."

We let go and we kiss. Letting go, I grab her hand and bring her towards the couch.

"No I think I love you more Harry." Was the last thing I heard her say as we fell into deep lust.


I wake up finding Ariana's body laying on top of mine. She was awake as well.

"Ariana?" She looks at me and smiles. "What time is it?" I ask bringing her closer to me.

"6:45 pm." She yawns. We both sit up with the blanket wrapped around us and just sit there, staring at the black tv screen.

"Harry what do we do know?" She asks.

"I'm not sure love." I kiss her temple

"I'm bored."

"I know. What do you want to do?"

"Let's walk around London."

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