Chapter 3

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"Carter! Holy shit!"

I completely jumped out of my skin. It was my friends from my old school. I couldn't believe it, I hadn't seen them in months and I was too shocked to say much.

"Omg hey guys! You all got...Taller.", really? that's all I could say.

They all laughed it off and we had a group hug, this is what I missed. Oh I forgot to mention that there were 3 girls and 5 boys. I could feel tears in my eyes knowing I wouldn't have them to look after me when I went back to school. If i did. You see I'm the baby of the group because I'm the shortest and the youngest. We all sat in a circle chatting about what we'd all been up to and looking back at our good memories together...

"CHARLIE? Where are you? Stop being a drama queen and come back to school!", ugh Ashley ruins EVERYTHING.

"Sorry guys but i've got to go"

"It's okay Charl, so do we!"


"See ya"

It was so hard to see them walk away, time to return to hell. I walked over to Ashley who had Beau and James with her. She's so clingy, I kind of feel bad for James. She just stared at me without breathing a word. I hadn't realised I had tears running down my face and before I knew it someone was hugging me. I looked up and saw him. Beau. He was just so perfect.

"Why did you run off?", he asked.

"It doesn't matter I'm okay now, let's just go back to school" I answered with a slight smile.

"Um you don't realise how long you were gone for do you?", Beau questioned me. I just looked at him and raised my eyebrow. 

"You've missed the whole of school, why do you think I wanted to come and find you? I was worried but Ashley said it was nothing new and that you always run away", he continued.

He cared about me? Aw he's so nice. I wonder what happened whilst I was gone...

Beau's P.O.V

That new girl is so cute, she looks slightly uncomfortable with all of us here. Must be nerves. I turned and started chatting to Daniel about his new girl when Charlie just turned around and stormed off.

"What happened? Is she okay?", I asked them, I  was the only one apart from a few of the boys that looked worried. 

Ashley just shrugged and said Charlie was a huge drama queen and loved attention. To be honest the only one around here that loves attention is Ashley.  Man she irritates all of us, I much prefer her sister.

"Should we go and find her?"

"No Beau, just leave her okay? She'll be back in an hour!"

Okay miss bossy. Basically whatever she says goes and it really frustrates me...

Hours passed and there was still no sign. For some reason I felt some kind of connection with her, she isn't like the other girls. It came to the end of school and by then I'd had enough.

"I'm going to find your sister, I don't care what you say and I don't care if you don't help!"

"Fine I'll come. Come on James", she replied in a harsh tone.

I had seen her head to the forest earlier so I'll start there. We must've been walking around for an hour then I heard voices. Bingo!

Ashley butted in before I had the chance to say anything. When we got to her Ashley didn't say a word, I saw that Charlie was upset so of course I was going to give her a cuddle. I spoke to her, I can't believe I told her I wanted to find her. Smooth move Beau. As long as she was safe I didn't care.

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now