Chapter 39

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Beau's P.O.V

I grabbed Charlie's hand and dragged her along, there was a silence. I felt guilty and she looked like she was still hiding something. She was pretty distracted.

I had a lie which was haunting me. I wouldn't tell anyone though.

When we arrived back at the house Charlie walked straight upstairs and gave me a look as if to say come here or something. I followed her and she slumped down on the bed with her head in her hands.

"Charl? What's up babe?"

She looked at me with fear in her eyes, she walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a box, I tried to see but she held it to her chest. She grabbed my arm and sat me on the bed.

"Read all of this" she said so quietly I just about heard it

I started to look through and they were her counselling notes. I came to a page, it was only small compared to the rest and it stated she had depression and also had a bad temper. It all made sense in my head now, the suicides James was on about, the way she isn't really open with anyone. I felt so upset but angry. So many thoughts were going through my head. I looked up and she was playing with her hair staring at the floor, she always did this when she was nervous.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" 

"Because I wasn't ready. I was scared"

"I'm your boyfriend you should trust me!"

"I know but it's hard Beau, you wouldn't understand!"

"Oh wouldn't I because I'm so fucking perfect!"

"I didn't say that"

"Yeah but you were thinking it!"

"Clearly not Beau! Why should I tell you every detail about my past if you won't even tell me anything. You yell at me if I touch your phone and I'm ALWAYS the one doing things wrong"

"Yeah because you're a screw up!"

"Now I've seen the real you! James wouldn't be like this! He actually cares"

"Oh it's always James isn't it"

"No it has always been about YOU. I've wasted so much time being in love with you when you can't even accept the fact I have a mental disorder. You don't even like me talking to other guys. I'm sick of it Beau"

"Yeah sick's the right word and you're right you have wasted time being in love with me because I cheated on you!"

I can't believe I just told her that. As soon as I said it I regretted it.

"HOW COULD YOU! And to think I just trusted you with this, there's you acting all mr know it all when actually you know nothing. KEEP AWAY FROM ME DO YOU UNDERSTAND? "

"Loud and clear. I'm glad because I'm sick of seeing your pathetic little face!"

I grabbed the box with all the papers in and threw it. It just about missed her head but smashed the mirror on the wall.

She ran out of the room crying her eyes out. I looked down at the notes. I picked them back up and started to read the last few, they were quite recent. I felt a lump in my throat and so much regret once I finished. She wrote that I was the one keeping her strong, I made all the pain go away. I stopped her from wanting to die. She'll never forgive me.

I lay down and shut my eyes. I'll let the dust settle for now.

Charlie's P.O.V

I ran straight into James' room. He was the only one that didn't have someone with him, plus he knew most of the story anyway since he read my notes.

"James I know I said earlier I didn't want to see you but I really need someone right now!"

"Aw come here!"

He got me in one of his bear hugs. Nothing was going right.

"What happened?"

"Me and Beau just argued and..."

"I thought I heard shouting"

"Oops, he um, he told me he cheated on me"

"I'm sorry! I'm sure you two will sort it out!"

We sat just talking about everything. I walked over and put his tv on. Criminal Minds was on. Yay my favourite.

"Oh look I can find ways to kill Beau now and get away with it!" I joked

James started to laugh but then stopped. He stared at me for a second and I started to feel a bit uncomfortable. He started to lean in and I froze. His lips hit mine. Woah, what the hell? I tried to push him away but he was a lot bigger than me so it was no use. I pushed him back with all my strength and he fell backwards. He stared at me shocked.


"I thought you and Beau have broken up?"

"Well it isn't officially over yet and even if it was I wouldn't move on that quick!"


"It's fine. Just never talk about it again okay?"


"Thank you! Now I'm off to bed"

"Night Charl"

"Good night!"

I walked into me and Beau's room, he was fast asleep so I slowly slid in keeping distance. I don't know if it's over between us. I hope not but I'm not sure if I could trust him. Only time will tell and that starts tomorrow.

I'll update after:) hope you're enjoying it! Just so you know I have nothing against James or any of them it's just part of the story! He's absolutely lovely in real life but I needed a bad guy aha:) I love them all! Vote&Comment! Charlie xx

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