Chapter 6

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So we're in LA and it's pure madness! The house is huge and has a pool. Oh did I mention me and Beau are together now? He's the best thing that happened to me! I finally set Luke up too with Lucy and those two are the cutest ever.

This place brings back memories, we live about a street away from my old house. Maybe I'll go back and see who's living there now. Well the boys have gone out for a meet and greet and the girls all went shopping so what's stopping me. 

I got dressed as quickly as I could, I borrowed one of Beau's shirts with a pair of denim shorts and my high tops. Doing my hair's effort so I just chucked it up in a messy bun. I left the house, I felt kind of nervous but I missed my old house so much, I know it'll bring back great memories!

I stood in front of the house just looking at it, there were no changes to the outside, everything was so different now. I took a deep breath and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell, there was a silence then I heard footsteps, the door opened and there was a very tall man stood in front of me.

"Um, hi sir"

"Can I help you with something?"

"May I come in? I used to live here when I was younger and I'd like to ask you a few questions if that's okay!", he stared at me for a minute which seemed like forever before smiling slightly.

"Sure, my wife will be home soon so you can ask her too! She's gone to get our children from school"

I smiled and thanked him, wow they had done the place up nicely.

I wasn't there long when the door opened and a little girl and boy walked in. They smiled at me. They were sweet and had the same hair colour as me. Weird.

A woman walked in with her hands full of bags, I'm guessing she'd been shopping.

"Honey, this young lady used to live here and she wanted to ask us some questions"

"Okay that's fine", she looked at me then sat down.

"It's lovely to meet you! What's your name?"

"Charlie. Yours miss?"


"I like that name. That's my mum's name"

"Where's your mum now?" 

"I don't know, I lost her when I was 6", her eyes widened at me but suddenly her kids jumped on me. Ouch.

Very friendly I must say.

"What are you two's names?"

"I'm Charlie too! This is my sister Ashley", the boy said excitedly.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, she had the same name as my mum and her children had the same name's as me and my sister.

I looked back at Lindsay, she stared back, she seemed quite tense which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Lindsay? What's your maiden name?"


"Oh my god"


"My name's Charlie Carter and you're my mum"...

-Hope you're enjoying it so far! Beau comes back in, in the next chapter:) I'll update tomorrow! Vote and comment! Charlie xx

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