Chapter 7

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"So, you-you-you've replaced us!" I shouted tears streaming down my face.

"No because you were never mine. Or your sister. You two were an accident I regret"

"I can't believe you just said that! What about dad, was he a mistake too?"

"No. I loved him but when you twins came along EVERYTHING we had was ruined."

I had had enough of this, I stood up but so did she.

"Leaving so soon?"

"I hate you. you were supposed to be my mum, Gina you remember her right? Well I'm going out with one of her sons Beau and she's more of a mum to me than you have ever been or ever will be!"

I barged past her and stormed out, I could hear someone coming behind me so I decided to run.

I felt a huge pain in my head like I'd been hit with something. I hit the floor. Black.

Sorry it's so short I'm over my friends so I'll update tomorrow afternoon:) Charlie xx

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now