Chapter 38

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I knew where I was going to go now. Back to where the murder happened. It happened in a park just down the road from their house. I was only 7.


"Nanny! I LOVE YOU"



"LOVE YOU TOO CHARLIE BOO! Let's go to the park shall we?"

"But bampy it's getting dark"

"I know but that's what makes it more fun"

"Okay! Is nanny coming?"

"Go and ask her!"

"Nanny will you be coming with us?"

"Of course darling"




"Okay haha"


"Bill who's that?"

"Just some teenagers Wendy, don't worry!"

"They don't look very friendly and they're staring at us!"

"Okay let's go"

We started to leave the park and then...

"What's an old couple like you doing out here?"

I was hidden behind them.

"Nothing, we were just leaving"

"I don't think so!"

"Why? What do you want with us?" my nan cried

"We want to see you suffer..."

"Please no!"

*Bang Bang*

*Flashback over*

I came back to reality when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was sat in the middle of a road, someone had stopped and got out of their car.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry! I just. It doesn't matter!"

"Be careful next time lovely!"

I ran off still shouting apoligies.

I found the park and sat on the exact same swing. I looked up and saw Beau stood by the gate of the park.

"Did you follow me here?"

"Yeah, I wasn't going to let you walk off on your own!"

"Did you see?"

"You crouched down in a ball in the middle of a road? Yep"

"Sorry. I just remembered something"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really. Beau, do you love me or not? James is confusing me so much"

"Of course I do with all my heart. I'll be honest with you now but you have to be honest with me later. You see I was planning to play you. But. I bonded with you, it turned out we had loads in common, I thought you were going to be exactly like Ashley but you weren't. You were perfect and everything I wanted. That's why I'm still with you now and that's why I'm trying to help you. You just have to let me in."

"I love you so much Beau! It just gets hard sometimes trying to talk. I hate crying in front of people, it shows I'm weak"

"But you aren't, you're so strong with what you've been through and I love you so much more for that!"

I smiled a little.



"This swing I'm sat on I was on 10 years ago, this exact day actually. My nan and bamp brought me down here when it was getting dark because it was more fun and well they were murdered. A group of teenagers shot them, I was behind my grandparents so when they were shot they sort of landed on me so I was hidden. I was completely frozen and the teenagers ran off. After what seemed like forever someone found us and phoned the police, I started to cry and I was pulled out from underneath them. They never caught them. I feel I should've helped them or something. I get flashbacks of it all the time and I can't get the images out of my head"

There was a silence, and I turned to Beau who had tears in his eyes. It was like a trigger and I started to cry as well. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wouldn't let go. He looked speechless but I knew something was going through his mind.

He pulled me away from him and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Do you feel better now you've told someone properly?"

"Yes, like a weights been lifted off my chest. Thank you!"

"You're welcome! Charl you're my girlfriend, I'll always be here for you! And for the record there wasn't anything you could've done."

"And I'm always here for you. Okay if you're sure."

"I'm sure. Do you want to go back?"

"No, not yet. I'm not in the mood to face everyone yet. Can we stay for a bit"


There was a beach behind the park so we sat watching the sea. It was pretty cold now so Beau gave me his hoody and we cuddled up. It was cute. I'm glad I had someone to trust. 

I didn't want this night to end.

I'll update tomorrow now:) I've done two updates tonight! Hope you enjoyed them. Vote&Comment! Charlie xx

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