Chapter 46

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Sarah and Jai's wedding was in a week so this was going to be difficult. They had booked the venues and things like that already but they hadn't bought clothes or anything yet.

We went dress shopping whilst the boys went to buy their suits. No doubt they'd get the colour wrong or something.

After hours of shopping we went to McDonalds. Lucy weirdly wasn't there.

"Where's Lucy?"

"Why should I know?"

"You two haven't made up then?"

"Nope. Never"

"Ah sorry"

"It's fine"

Gina was there too as well as Sarah's mum. She looked familiar.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Um maybe love"

"What's your name?"

"Mum don't" Sarah butted in, well that was odd.

"Jenny. Jenny Black"

As soon as she said her name I knew exactly who she was. She'd fostered me after I jumped off the rollercoaster, well when I left hospital. Her daughter thought I was a psycho and didn't want me there so she kicked me out. I was on the streets for months because they hadn't contacted social services. I'm guessing they still wanted the money they were given for having me. I'm presuming Sarah was the daughter.

I got up and walked out. I pulled my phone out and texted Beau. He told me to go to the shop they were in, it wasn't too far away. When I got there all the boys looked concerned. Jai especially.

"Something happened?"

"Found out some things that's all"

"Like what?" Luke asked curiously

"Well you know before I told you I was homeless for months because I was kicked out of my foster home?"


"That was Sarah's mum, she fostered me and Sarah or if she has any other siblings didn't like me so I was kicked out"

"Aww come here"

They all gathered around me and we had a group hug. These were the best hugs ever.

They gave me a ride home and we kept singing along to the radio. I tweeted the radio station and within minutes Set This World On Fire came on. We all started screaming and fangirling.

"Hey you know me, I can skip the beat in your heart, oh oh oh oh"

We all belted into the song. It was great.

"Hey Charl we've got great news?"

"What's that my lovelies?"


"Oh my god! Are you serious! When?"

"After the wedding!!"

"YAY! That's awesome guys!"

"We were wondering if you wanted to come!?"


They all started laughing. I was so proud of them and I was extremely excited. We were all absolutely buzzing all the way home. Their tours looked so much fun and me being a janoskianator couldn't wait to go! I'd get VIP too since I was with them.

I wonder if the other girls are coming too? That'd be nice for the boys.

The first place we were going was the UK. My original home. Yay!

I'll probably update again later:) Vote&Comment! Happy Christmas Eve Eve! Charlie xx

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