Chapter 55

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Beau's P.O.V

Charlie's been gone for a week now and I'm going mad. I miss her so much but let's be honest it's my own fault. I'm piecing together an apology but it could take some time.

I haven't spoken to her so I have no idea where she is. I did text her but there was no reply.

Jai is still grumpy because of this Danny kid, he wants to talk to Charlie for advice but obviously he can't.

I went into the living room to find Luke and Nicky playing on the floor. I smiled, it was cute seeing him with a baby. I wish I had one of my own.

"Hey you two"

"Look Nicky, it's uncle Beau"

He looked up at me giggling. I picked him up and had him above my head making rocket noises.

"So Beau, have you heard from Charlie?"

I put Nicky back on the floor and slumped on the sofa.


"Well I have"

"Really? When? What did she say?"

"Yes really. I think she rang last night and she said she wants to sort things out now"

"That's great news!"

"Yeah she's sick of being stuck in a care home I guess"


"She had to go back Beau. As soon as she's classed as homeless she gets sent back"

"Oh. Any idea where it is?"

"She gave me the address. Here you go"

I took a little piece of paper off him, grabbed my car keys and left.

It was about a 20 minute drive.

I pulled up outside, it kind of reminded me of a prison. 

I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

A woman with bright green hair answered. She was scary.

"Yes lovely?"

Phew she's nice.

"Hi miss, I'm looking for Charlie. Carter."

"Oh I see, come in!"


"Go up the stairs, turn left and her room is the last one on the right"

"Thank you very much"

I smiled and started walking up the stairs. There was a loud noise like lots of screaming. I was then attacked by a load of younger kids. I ran up through them to stop me falling.

Once I got to her room I knocked the door.

"Look get lost, I'm not in the mood"

"It's me"

There was a long pause and I heard her footsteps. The door slowly opened. 

"Why are you here?"

"Luke said you called last night and wanted to sort things out"

"Well you can come in but I didn't speak to him last night"

"That little liar"

She laughed a little.

"Hang on how did Luke know where you were etc?"

"Don't ask me. I'm as clueless as you"

That kind of made sense. He had been on his laptop a lot and clearing the history. Sly. My thoughts were interrupted by Charlie.

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now