Chapter 28

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Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up to find Luke cradling the baby. They both looked so cute.


"Yeah babe? What's up? Do you want to have a hold"

"No you can keep him for now, it's just, well I've thought of a name. I'm not sure if you'll like it."

"Hit me"

"Nicky. Nicky Brooks?"

He thought for a few minutes then a huge smile spread across his face. 

"It's perfect"

The nurse came in to tell us we could take him home. Well this would be a tight squeeze, we'd make it work though.

Beau walked into the room, he looked happier but not as much as he did before.

"How's the little man?"

"Good thanks, we've named him"

"Seriously. What?"

"Nicky Brooks"

"Aw I like that name! Suits him as well. What about you, are you alright?"

"Not too bad thanks considering I've squeezed something the size of a melon out"

"Haha well you look better"

"Yeah sorry for screaming at you"

"No problem sis. Nothing I'm not used to with you and Luke"

I'm going to kill him.

"You cheeky shit! Says you and Charlie!"

"Watch your mouth blondie, we almost got caught earlier as well!"

"Oh my god ha!"

"Don't tell her I told you that!"

"What's it worth?"

"I'll babysit whenever you need me to?"

"Ok then, deal"

We even shook on it. I started to get ready, I couldn't wait to go home and see everyone.

Beau's P.O.V

I started walking back up to Charlie's ward. I walked past her normal nurse who gave me a weak smile.

"Hey Beau"

"Hi, is everything ok?"

"She's not her best at the moment"

"In what way?"

"I know you weren't gone long but she's turned white as a sheet and we can't seem to get her warm. She's also been asking for her dad which is making her be slightly aggressive threatening to hit the doctor and things"

"I'll go and see her now"

I walked in and she was watching tv. I picked her up and sat her on my lap.


"No I'm not feeling well"

"I know, they said you were asking for your dad?"

"Yeah I was. What's the date?"

"October 10th why?"

"Did I make it to Ashley's funeral? I can't really remember"

"Yes you did, it was you, your dad and Gina. I won't be able to contact your dad for you mind. Do you remember what happened with you and James?"

"Yeah I don't want my dad now, I remembered he left and stuff. Um I remember talking to him, well arguing I guess and then I woke up here sort of"

"He's the reason you're in here"


She looked sad and completely shocked.

"Beau when's he coming back?"

"I don't know"

I didn't really know what to say. I need to find out about why they argued but not yet. She needs rest. I know it was to do with her mum but I need to know what he said to upset her.

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now