Chapter 32

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Charlie's P.O.V

We were all sat in the living room, Gina woke us all up early and she didn't look happy. There was a knock at the door and she returned with James, he had a busted lip and bleeding nose.

Gina turned and stared at all the boys, she was giving them nasty looks.

"What's up mum?" Jai asked a bit on edge

"What's up? Are you really asking me that Jai!?"

"Yeah kinda"

"Why was it, I drove past you four beating James up early hours of this morning when I was coming home from work? You promised me and the girls you'd stop this!"

I was moving my eyes around to look at everyone, Sarah stood up slapped Jai and walked out whilst Lucy grabbed the baby and left the house. I looked at Beau who stared at the floor. I shook my head in disbelief and went upstairs.

Beau's P.O.V

I can't believe my mum caught us. She's going to be in such a bad mood with us, I know she's annoyed with what he did but she hates it when people break promises and that's what we did.

We all argued for an hour straight and nothing was being sorted. I heard someone coming down the stairs but they were making a hell of a noise. I looked and saw Charlie. She had a suitcase.

"Babe? Where you going?"

"You know that flat we rented together recently to give everyone extra space? Well there, but I'm going alone. Sort yourselves out and don't bother contacting me until then. This is pissing us all off and you boys can't see that...Oh yeah by the way, Jai, Sarah's staying with her parents and Luke, Lucy told me to tell you she's taking the baby to visit her family who live about an hour or so away."

I couldn't believe it. They were all giving up on us because of a mistake. We have to sort this out.

I looked at all the boys and they nodded.

"Right I have to go to work so I'll see you later. Don't kill each other." Gina told us quietly and moodily

"Okay mum"

She left and we all sat in silence. This was going to be harder than we thought.

I went on twitter and did a follow spree and tweeted fans. No one knew about the James incident, we just tweeted like normal.

Luckily we're having a year off any gigs or meet and greets. The whole fanbase loves Nicky. I think while he's gone we'll all miss him.

We have to go to school tomorrow. That'll be awkward. I don't know if Charlie, Sarah and Lucy will speak to us. I doubt it. I've been thinking about these past few weeks and I don't blame them for leaving, I just hope they come back.

I'll update again later:) Just building up once again! Vote&Comment:D Charlie xx

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