Chapter 20

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Today is the day of my sister's funeral, the boys aren't home. They magically had to go to a meeting, I told them I knew they were lying which ended in me screaming at them all to get out and carry on with their day like normal and them actually leaving me. I don't know were Sarah and Lucy are. Lucy came home from hospital last night and I heard her and Sarah making plans for today. Ah well, at least my dad will be there.

I hate dressing completely in black but I did. I put my hair in a fishtail plait and put some make up on, waterproof mascara of course, just incase.

I didn't want a fuss so I decided for her coffin to be taken straight to the church. When I got there I saw my dad, I've missed him so much. I gave him a huge hug then we stood by where they were lowering the coffin to bury her.

I cried quite a bit and my dad tried to stay strong but his eyes were full of tears, it was a hard day especially with no support but one. Gina turned up and comforted us.

"Where's the boys?", she asked 

"They pretended to have a meeting so they wouldn't have to come and I snapped at them"

"Aw sweety! I'm sorry, I swear I'll kill them"

"Thanks Gina" I laughed a little then carried on with the funeral

It seemed to go on forever then at the end of it my dad had to leave. I said goodbye and Gina gave me a lift to hers. We walked in and all the boys were sat there watching some pointless tv show.

"WHERE WERE YOU BOYS TODAY!" Gina shouted making me jump.

"Charlie told us not to come"

"I don't care, you still should've come, the amount of times people tell you not to do things that you should is unbelievable."

"Sorry mum, sorry Charlie", Beau said pouting at me

"It's fine, it was only me, dad and Gina anyways so no one bothered really"

"Awww fuck I feel bad"

"I'm going to sleep for a bit, it's been a long day"

"I'll be up after", Beau was clearly trying to get back on my good side but to be honest he wasn't really on my bad side.

I smiled nodding and went up to his room, I got out of all the black I was wearing and threw on one of Beau's shirts then curled up in a ball and fell asleep.

Sorry it's so short, couldn't really think what to write but I'll do a better one tomorrow:) Comment&Vote! Charlie xx

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