Chapter 48

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Sarah's P.O.V

It's our third day in Spain and we're having an amazing time! No one is hassling us, no arguments and no baby screaming. Peace and quiet, it's just me and Jai.

We were sat by the pool sunbathing and talking about random things until Jai's phone started ringing.



"Uh huh" 


"See you soon" 


What on earth was he saying all those things about.

"Who was that Jai?"

"It was my other half, Luke"

"What the hell does he want?"

"Well we're going on tour early so we have to go to the airport and catch a plane back home"

"WHAT! So you're expecting me to leave here, OUR honeymoon to go on some stupid tour!"

"The tour, is not stupid" he said slowly

"Yes it is! Who's going anyway?"

"The other 4 boys clearly, their girlfriends, Nicky and Ronnie"


"Come on! Don't be a spoil sport"

"Fine I'll go"

I was going to make this the worst tour ever. 

Beau's P.O.V

"Luke did you ring Jai?"

"Yeah he sounded happy but I doubt Sarah was"

"Tell me about it!"

"Well we're about to leave, where's Charlie?"

"She's still asleep, refusing to wake up!"

"Haha I'll help you now"

"Thanks I've packed her things it's just her that won't get up"

We walked into my room and she still flat out. Luke grabbed her legs and I had to top half, we carried her down the stairs and outside. As soon as the cold air hit her she was awake.

It was an hour drive to the airport and Charlie had got extremely hyper so her and Daniel kept rapping. It was so funny but annoyed considering it was only 3am.

When we arrived we had to go and find Jai. We went through airport security and he and Sarah were sat waiting for us. She didn't look happy.

"LET'S GO FUCK SHIT UP!" I shouted

"YEAH BUDDY!" all the boys replied

Nicky started giggling and flapping his hands around. Lucy was laughing at him, Sarah looked miserable and Charlie was asleep again. She doesn't look very well either. 

We boarded the plane and Charlie looked drowsy.

"Go back to sleep babe"

She didn't even reply, she nodded and fell straight back to sleep. Weird. Her breathing was a lot deeper as well. Something wasn't right but as soon as we land I'll take her to the doctors.

I rested my head on her shoulder and fell asleep. This was going to be a long plane ride.

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now