Chapter 25

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I woke up and my mum was stood next to me. I went to the bathroom to change into my uniform, god I looked awful. I sound like such a girl...CHARLIE.

It wasn't long and I was ready, I gave Charlie a light kiss goodbye and quickly spoke to the nurses. There was no change. Ugh.

I caught a bus into school today, I would've had a lift but I wanted my mum to stay with Charlie.

I arrived at school and it felt like everyone was staring at me, it was horrible. I had assembly so I went and sat by everyone, loads of people were giving me hugs, sweet of them.

The headteacher walked into assembly and he looked down in the dumps.

"Hello everyone, I know a lot of you know this by now but for all of you who don't know and are friends with or know of Charlie Carter I'm afraid she's in hospital and not in a very good way. I have been told we almost lost her but she's stable at the moment."

People began to cry and get upset, some were angry and typical of Tyler and his friends, they laughed. I'm going to kill them after.

Once assembly was over I went to P.E. I really didn't have the right frame of mind to play rugby. As soon as I got on the pitch I could hear Tyler, my temper started to rise and I was getting angrier by the second. I walked calmy towards him then when he turned around I punched him straight in the nose, there was a loud crunch and he fell to the floor.

"Next time, I'll kill you"

I walked off back to Luke and Daniel, Jai had the day off because he wasn't well. Probably upset.

School is completely dragging, I lost my temper so many times I ended up in the head teacher's office. Great. It isn't even lunch time yet.

Charlie's P.O.V

I woke up to see I was in hospital but I felt strange. I got up out of bed, I looked around the room and Gina was there. I smiled but she looked upset, just staring at the bed. I followed where her eyes trailed and saw me. What?



I walked over to her and went to touch her shoulder, as I did my hand went straight through. It took me a minute but then I realised that I was still unconcious in the bed. I was having an outer body experience. Wow.

I can't seem to remember what happened. I looked like I'd been hit by a baseball bat repeatedly or something. I looked down and saw I had all those markings, it just didn't hurt.

I left the hospital, it was pretty cool because I could go straight through walls. I went to school to see what was going on. It was lunchtime and I saw everyone sat together except Jai and James. 

Beau was ranting on about how he'd had detentions given to him but he didn't have to do them until I woke up. He looked like crap, almost as bad as me.

I sat next to him in my normal spot although they couldn't see me.

"So why did you make James leave?" some random girl at the table asked

"I know you're his new girlfriend but you aren't one of us so get lost" Luke butted in

She got up and stormed off, not normally James' type.

They all started to discuss James and what he did to me, I honestly couldn't remember but it sounded horrible. I started to get upset so I left. I went back to the house and found Jai sat on a sun lounger outside.

"Ill huh" I muttered to myself.

He stood up and turned to walk in the house, he went straight through, grabbed his car keys and hopped in the car. I had no where to go so I just climbed in.

10 minutes of driving and I worked out where he was going. The hospital.

Sorry it was a bit all over the place! Hope you enjoyed it! Added an outer body experience:P Vote&Comment!:D Charlie xx

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