Chapter 62

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Beau's P.O.V

We arrived at Lucy's parents house, Luke came and answered the door with a huge grin laughing away.

As soon as he saw Charlie in my arms his smile soon disappeared.

"Is she okay?"

"She's hurt her leg and she's lost a fair bit of blood" I replied

I placed her on the kitchen table. She looked a bit woozy but otherwise okay.

Lucy's mum came in with a first aid kit.

"You're lucky I'm a nurse" she said smiling

She pulled out a pretty big needle.

"Charlie this is to attack any infections"

Charlie took one look at the needle and fainted. Well great.

Lucy's mum proceeded with the bandaging and things and then showed me the guest room where Charlie could regain consciousness.

I sat there with her until she came around. She sat up and moaned about her leg hurting.

She turned to me and put her hands on my shoulders. I felt nervous because she only did this when she was about to say something serious.

"Babe. I need a McDonalds"

"Really? You gave me those serious looks for a McDonalds?"

"Well how else would I get one?"

"I don't know maybe "Oh Beau could you get me a McDonalds please", something like that"

She smirked at me. I pushed her back and started tickling her. She absolutely hated being tickled.

"Beau stop! I'll pee. Oh my god"

I carried on because her laugh and reaction was always funny.

"Ow you bastard you kneed my leg"

"Oh oops sorry baby"

"You will be"

"So big mac meal yeah? Okay bye"

I ran out so she couldn't kill me. Probably a smart idea.

Charlie's P.O.V

After Beau left there was a knock at my door.

"Uh come in?"

It was Lucy, she looked a lot better now. I'm glad she was back actually, I hated the thought of Luke bringing up Nicky by himself. She was also a nice girl.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you"


"Covering for me. Looking after Nicky. Helping find me and Sarah"

"You don't have to thank me. I wanted to help"

"I'm still greatful. How about we become friends? Not like best friends instantly but you're always with the boys. Maybe you should chill with us girls"

"I'd like that very much. Thank you"

"No problem, mind if I chill in here? Nicky's having a nap and Sarah and Jai went home early if you get where I'm going with this"

"Loud and clear."

We both started laughing. We ended talking about Luke and Beau mostly and all our happy memories. It was a great laugh. 

"I just text Beau actually"

"Oh yeah what for?"

"To tell him to get you a McDonalds too"

"You legend"

"He's under the thumb what can I say"

"So's Luke"

"Ha. He loves you mind and Nicky"

"I'm glad, he's my everything"

"I can tell"

"How about we put a horror film on?"

"Sounds good to me"

We started watching Mama. Luke and Beau joined us with McDonalds. I felt kind of rude lounging in someone elses house watching a film etc but Lucy told me not to worry.

I looked at my phone to find a message off Danny. It said, "See you soon Carter. I'm not finished with you all yet". I turned to Beau and handed him my phone. I saw his eyes widen as he read it.

He told everyone about it because he thought it'd be best so we all knew and were wary.

We all drove home and Sarah and Jai were fine thank goodness.

Everyone had making up to do and things so we all had an early night.

Anything that came tomorrow we were ready for.

Sorry it's so short. I'm tired and I've been busy today! Vote&Comment. Charlie xx

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now