Chapter 12

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I've just landed in Australia and for the whole journey I've been trying to work out what to say to my dad. This will crush him. I don't know if I should tell him James was partly responsible but I suppose in his eyes one death was better than 4. Or was it an act of anger and revenge. I just don't know.

I went through all the security checks then grabbed my suitcase, I walked towards the exit where my dad was waiting for me. I was approached by about 6 girls.

"OMG OMG IT'S CHARLIE CARTER! YOU'RE BEAU'S GIRLFRIEND! EEK", great, now they choose to fangirl about my existence.

"Hiya girls", I attemped to smile and be polite.

"Can we take a photo with you? Please", they were so excited I couldn't believe it.

"Sure why not", after we took the photo's they left. Phew.

I left the airport and saw my dad leant against the bonnet of the car. Probably trying to look cool. It really wasn't working.

"Hey dad"

"Charlie! How's one of my babies?"

"Um, not good dad."


"No no no it isn't Beau, dad we need to get home there's something you have to know and here isn't the place!"

He look frightened. We put my suitcase in the boot of the car then hopped in. The ride home was so quiet. It was so uncomfortable but at least I had time to think.

We got to the house, it was so good to be home. For now anyway. My dad went straight into the living room and sat down.

"So? What did you have to tell me?"

"I found mum when I was in LA", he went pale and nodded. I slowly continued.

"She wasn't very nice and I ended up in hospital"

"What? Are you okay? Where's your sister?", tears filled my eyes

"She's dead dad."

He looked at the floor and jumped up flipping a table which smashed the tv.

"WHAT!? HOW!?"

"Please calm down dad"

"I'm sorry, it's just a shock you know"

"I know and to answer your question, she went off the edge of a cliff, like all those years ago but this time she didn't make it."

My dad broke down in tears. I ran over to him and gave him a cuddle.

"I'm losing all my girls! Promise me wherever you go you'll keep safe!"

"I promise dad! We'll get through this together. The police are looking for mum and trust me she'll go away for a long time"

"Good because if I see her I'll kill her"

I knew he was serious. I nodded. We sat for a few hours just talking about the good old days with Ashley and all the mad things we did together. It was nice.

The phone rang and we both looked at each other. I decided I'd go and get it.

"Hello, this is Charlie"

"Hi, it's the LA undertakers you're exactly who we're calling for. We've called to let you know that Ashley's body will be sent over in a coffin to a local undertakers who'll give you a call when her body arrives"

"Okay, thank you"


"Bye", I put the phone down then told my dad what they said.

We decided it'd be best to go to sleep and get some rest. I rang Beau to check up on everyone and they were fine. Safe. Just what I wanted. James insisted he had to talk to me which worried me slightly.

"Hi James"

"Did you tell your dad it was me?"

"No. I didn't go into that much detail and anyway if anyone is going to tell him it's you!"

"I know and once again I'm so sorry"

"Yeah? Well apologize to my dad when you get home"

"I will. It'll be soon, we all want to be back in time for the funeral"

"I appreciate that"

"See you soon"


I didn't mean to be so blunt with him but he did kill my sister. Oh well tomorrow will be another day and god knows what'll happen.

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now