Chapter 56

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Charlie's P.O.V

Beau walked downstairs ahead of me and I heard Jai come out of his room too.

We all went into the kitchen. I grabbed a drink which gave me an excuse not to talk.

Sarah walked in with Danny looking all bright and cheery.

"Hello everyone this is..."

"Danny we know" we all interrupted her

"Oh well anyway..."

"He'll be staying with us until he finds a place of his own don't remind us" Jai butted in again

"I think me and you need a word Jai"

"Fine, let's go in the living room, to have a private chat"

He made sure everyone heard the "private" part.

I shrugged and walked out by the pool and sat on one of the loungers. I rested my head back and closed my eyes. I felt someones eyes on me. I re opened my eyes and glanced over at the back door. No one. Weird. As I went to sit back I noticed Danny staring at me through the kitchen window. What a creep.

I pulled my phone out and went on twitter. I had more friends on there than in real life I swear.

I started tweeting a few people I spoke to a lot. I paused when I could hear shouting. I recognised the voices, it was Jai and Sarah. Oh damn.

I continued to listen.

"So you're telling me you might want to divorce now because you have feelings for that creep!?"

"Yes. No. I don't know Jai! HE ISN'T A CREEP"

"Let me know once you've worked it out yeah? And he fucking is you idiot!"

I heard the living room door slam and Jai came out and sat by the pool.

"Slut" he muttered.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I hate this Charl"

"I know but things will get better whether you're with her or not. You have two amazing brothers and the rest of us who all care about you"

"Thanks Charl! I love you...As a sister"

"Haha I love you too. As a brother"

He got up and walked back into the house so I followed.

"I'm going for a walk to clear my head Charl"

"Okay be careful and don't do anything stupid"

"I won't, promise"

"Pinky promise"

"Pinky promise"

He then left the house. The rest of the boys had gone to the gym a little earlier.

The only people in the house now were, Sarah, Danny, Lucy, Nicky and me. I popped my head in and  Lucy was having a nap whilst Nicky watched a film. Couldn't blame them for being lazy, it was a Sunday.

I went into my room and started to print pictures out. I decided I was going to make a scrapbook to keep all my memories in.

I'd been working at it for an hour now and there was a tap at my door. It was Lucy with Nicky.


"Hiya Charl, couldn't do me a favour could you?"

"Depends what it is"

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now