Chapter 9

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Beau's P.O.V

I'm so relieved they found her, I haven't left her side and she's getting better. They hit her with a golf club and beat her to death. I will kill them, they won't get away with this. They hurt my girl.

She's awake but the things she's coming out with is ridiculous. Apparently she's dating Channing Tatum and they have 2 children. Okay Charl.

Luckily the doctor has said that it'll wear off soon.

"Beau I've made an important decision!", oh dear this will be interesting.

"What's that babe?"

"I'm going to stay with you and we will be a couple because Channing isn't even here. Some boyfriend huh!?

I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing and she looked at me for a few seconds then joined in. Strange girl, but that's why I love her!

"Go to sleep! You'll feel better!"

"Okay Beau I will"...

Fair play to the girl she can sleep. I went on twitter and did a follow spree whilst she slept, I didn't tweet to tell the fans what happened to her just to keep her safe.

I felt someone's eyes on me and when I looked up she was sat looking at me with the biggest smile on her face. 

"Hey babe, how you feeling?"

"Good thank you! Am I safe now?"

"Of course you are, I won't let anyone hurt you" 

"I know you won't. You know, you're exactly like your uncle"


"Oh um nothing"


"I love you"

"I love you too! Now stop stalling!"

"My head hurts"

"Fine, we'll talk about my "uncle" later since you aren't giving in"

I moved her over a bit so I could lie on the hospital bed and cuddled up with her. All that kept going through my mind was about this so called uncle I have. Hm.

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now