Chapter 40

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I woke up to find Beau still fast asleep. I slowly started to climb out of bed but clearly I moved to fast because he woke up. He stared at me continuously blinking, probably adjusting to being awake.

He frowned at me so I sighed and got up. I wanted breakfast anyway. When I got down there everyone was sat chatting. As soon as they noticed me it went silent.

"Either you were all just talking about me or..."

They all carried on staring.

"We heard you and Beau arguing last night"


"You ok?"

"Not really but please don't act like you care. After years of being treated like crap I've learnt one thing. No one cares they just want to know your business."

"Don't be like that please" Luke looked hurt

"I'm not being like anything. Plus you'll be on your brothers side anyway. I'm off out"

"But what about breakfast?"

"Not hungry"

This time I made sure no one was following me. I went to the beach so I could sit and think in peace. I kept getting memories back, some were happy others not so much. I remember spending a lot of my time here when I was in care. 

I started to over think a bit. I wanted answers I was too upset for last night. I got my phone out and rang Beau.


"It's me. Meet me down the beach please. It's urgent."

"I'll be there now"

After 10 minutes I saw his car pull up. He walked over to me and sat on the wall I was on.

"So, why did you want me here?"

"I wanted to talk."


"For a start who was it and when did you cheat?"

"You know I said I planned to play you, well it was after that obviously and when we were here in LA, I was drunk but you can't tell Luke! I um kissed Lucy at a party and well you know, it escalated from there."

"Oh great"


"Well I won't tell him, there are enough upset people in this house"


"Beau is this the end of us?"

"I think it would be best"

My eyes started to fill up again.


"Don't be upset please" 

"I better go pack"


"I contacted my social worker and I'm going home, well back to Australia at least"

"Just because we broke up?"

"No, because I have nobody. I'm not in a good place living here with no one to talk to, anything could happen."

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot about your um"

"Depression. You can say it Beau"

"I'll give you a lift home okay?"

"Save it. It'll only make things harder. Just leave me alone"

I walked off, I phoned Jai and he picked me up.

When we got back to the house I ran up and started packing my things. Soon enough I felt someone else in the room. I turned around but this time it was Sarah and Lucy.

"Hey girls"

"Are you leaving us?"


"We'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you both too I guess"

"What do you mean?"

"Well we weren't exactly close"

"Yeah I know, but take care yeah?"

"You girls too!"

I continued packing my bag. Once I finished I wrote Beau a letter about how I felt and said my goodbyes. I arrived at the airport. This was it. Goodbye LA.


Beau's P.O.V

I decided to distance myself from everyone else. I lay on my bed refreshing Charlie's twitter, looking for any updates. The last one said "Be careful what choices you make in life because being different can mean losing someone you love". It broke my heart, now she was gone I wanted her back.

I rolled over and saw a letter, it was her handwriting. My stomach turned with nerves. It read:

Beau, I hate that we left each other on bad terms. I hope you can understand why I left.
I love you so much and it has broken my heart leaving you but I know you didn't feel the same. I remember the first day we met properly in school, you called me the "pretty little blonde", I still smile about that until this day. I'm going to miss you loads and I wish I could've told you all those things about me but it was hard. Everyone I've ever trusted has turned on me. I love you so so much. I've forgiven you for what you did but I know we can't be together because you can't handle what I'm bringing with me. It isn't my fault I'm the way I am. Good luck with everything, maybe I'll see you around if you come back to Australia! Love you. Charlie x

I stared at the letter. This was my final goodbye off her and the only positive thing about it was her loving me and her memory from the first day we met. I still loved her so much but it was too late now. I closed my eyes ready to drift off when there was a loud scream from downstairs. It sounded like James. He started shouting everyone's names. I jolted out of bed and sprinted down the stairs. 

Everyone looked pretty panicked by now.

"What is it James?" Daniel asked

"Watch this"

It was the news. Oh for goodness sake I hate the news.

He unpaused the tv.

There was a news reporter stood in an airport.

"We have tragic news for anyone who was expecting family or friends to return home tonight to Melbourne. Sadly, an airplane crashed on its way from Los Angeles. There was a fault in the engine. It has just been confirmed there were no survivors on that flight. We are very sorry for the losses some people will have this evening"

I dropped to the floor, my whole body shaking. I felt sick, my head was spinning, I couldn't breathe. Nothing. I looked up to find everyone in tears. I couldn't hold my emotions in any longer. I broke down in tears. I couldn't stop. I felt a pair of arms around me, it was Lucy. I pulled away and ran to my room. I locked the door behind me and sat against it letting all my emotions back out.

My girl. She was gone. Forever.

I will update tomorrow now:) hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me a while because I couldn't put it into words! It's probably one of my longest too:) Vote&Comment! Charlie xx

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