Chapter 29

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Charlie's P.O.V

I woke up to find the room empty. Where the hell was Beau?

I could hear someone sounding angry. Furious.

I got up slowly and walked to the door. Who would be arguing in a hospital?

As I got nearer to the door I recognised Beau's voice.

"I don't fucking want you anywhere near here! Or her!"

"Well I don't give a shit. I've changed!"

"I don't believe you, how can you change in just over a month?"

I opened the door and saw Beau and James stood there. It looked very intense.

"Guys? Now is not the time!"

"Charlie go back in your room"

"I'm not a fucking child, there's a lot of sick people in here and you to shouting at each other isn't going to help or benefit them."

They both looked at me.

"Sorry" they said in unison

"Now both of you piss off. I'm going to see Luke and Lucy. I'll get a lift home with them."

I grabbed my bag and walked out to the maternity ward. I paused.

"Oh and please don't kill each other."

I walked into their room and Nicky was fast asleep. He was such a cute baby.

"Hey you two!"

"Hi" they both smiled

"Guess who's upstairs arguing"

"Um Beau and a doctor?" Luke replied

"I bloody wish. No James is there."

Luke tensed up. He looked at me and I could see the anger in his eyes. Damn his short temper. He got up and stormed out.

I looked at Lucy panicking slightly.

"Don't get involved Charl"

"I have no choice, they'll batter him"

I started to run. It hurt so much, having broken ribs is a pain. Literally.

They were all leaving the hospital, I grabbed Beau's arm and tried to drag him back. He completely ignored me.

"Beau, Luke don't!"

"Why shouldn't we?"

"It's not worth it"

"Of course it is"

"Look he beat ME up! Not you guys, I don't care anymore just leave it and fucking move on. Luke you've got a beautiful girlfriend and a stunning little boy, don't risk losing them. And Beau, if you really cared and wanted to be with me you'd listen to what I say and not hurt him"

They all looked gobsmacked.

"Okay, I won't harm him, I promise. You're lucky she came to help you James"

"Thanks Luke. I just want the drama to all end"

I looked at Beau, he just shrugged and grabbed my bag.

He drove me, Lucy and Luke home in dead silence, it was so awkward. James went off somewhere. I hate not knowing what Beau's thinking. He's capable of anything. I should know.

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now