Chapter 63

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Beau's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of burning. I noticed Charlie wasn't next to me, it was only 8am.

I went to see what was on fire, it was coming from the kitchen.

My first guess was that it was Charlie attempting to actually cook something.

As I walked in she was stood by the pool, staring into it.

"Charlie what is burning and why are you by there?"

"I swear I didn't accidentally set a pan on fire and throw it in the pool"

"Oops, don't tell Jai. That was his best pan"

"Haha my bad, I'll leave the cooking to everyone else next time"

"Good girl!"

"Since you're only in your boxers fancy jumping in the pool and getting the pan then throwing it into the neighbours garden"

"On it"

"Thank you"

She walked back into the house and I did as she said. I walked back to our room and she was in the shower. I made sure she couldn't hear me talking before pulling my phone out.

I went through my contacts until I came to Danny.


"Look Danny why did you text Charlie yesterday?"

"Because I saved all of your lives"

"And...we're very thankful?"

"Yeah but I need something in return"

"Like what?"

"Money, a girl, what have you got?"

"I've got money but you aren't having any of the girls"

"Shame. Did you find out where Sarah's twin went after?"

I completely forgot about her. She could be anywhere and we wouldn't think of her as a stranger.

"No. Any ideas?"

"She's around and about that's all I can tell you but watch each other's backs yeah?"

"Tell me where she is Danny!"

"I wouldn't raise your voice, Charlie might hear you since she's in the shower"

"How the hell did you know that"

"Good luck Beau"

He hung up. I started looking around the room for cameras but I couldn't see any.

"Charl? You okay in there?"

"I'm fine why?"

"Just checking, no one's creeped in there have they?"

"Uh no, they'd be dead if they did"

I started to laugh. I checked out of the window and saw Danny stood opposite. He smiled and waved at me. What was this guys problem.

Charlie's phone started ringing but it wasn't him. I noticed it was an unknown number.

I took it into the bathroom.

"Beau what the hell?"



She took it off me and answered.

"Do I know you?

"Oh yeah yeah I know"


"Thanks for your help"

"See you soon" 

"Bye now"

I looked at her confused. She gestured for me to leave the bathroom so I waited. After about 20 minutes she came out fully dressed with her hair and make up done. How was that even possible?

"Right you know that guy that felt sorry for me and let us go?" she started

"Yeah the tall guy"

"Him. He said Danny's dodgy but he's trying to catch him so he's going to come over and help us"

"Sweet. Didn't he get shot though?"

"Na, he explained that he expected an ambush so he wore a bullet proof vest etc"

"I see, when's he coming"


I called everyone downstairs and we quickly explained what happened. There was a knock at the door.

We let him in with three other guys who were also pretty big.

He explained that he'd have people watching the house etc and would kill Danny or Sarah's twin. Apparently her name was Jennifer. 

"Hold on a second" I said whilst he was in mid sentence

"Yes sonny"

"What's your name"

"If you must know it's Carl"

"Well now my mind's at rest, please continue" I replied with a sarcastic tone

"Beau. Don't be so rude" Charlie warned

I smirked at her and carried on listening to the plan.

He went through every little detail with us then left.

Everyone seemed pretty calm. For a while until Lucy looked at the baby.

"I refuse to stay here! Not until this is over" 

"Come on Luc" Luke moaned at her

"No, either you come with me and Nicky to my parents or you can stay here by yourself"

"I'm coming. Jeez. I've only just got you back"

He followed her up the stairs and they began packing.

One day everything will be normal but today isn't that day.

I'll update again later:) comment&vote. Charlie xx

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now