Chapter 43

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Sarah's P.O.V

I sat watching everyone talking. Me and Lucy weren't talking because I found out she cheated on Luke with Beau. I barely spoke to Beau anyway but if he did try he'd get a slap. I guess I was so angry about it because it's Jai's twin.

I'm quite invisible in this group though, ever since Charlie came and the baby, everyone's spoken less. I haven't really spoken to Charlie, we can't really when it comes to the cliques we're in and we have nothing in common. Except being in love with a Brooks Brother I suppose.

I'd make myself noticed tonight, we're all going out to a club to let off some steam. It should be fun, maybe.

I looked at Jai and he was busy watching tv to notice so I got up and went to get ready.

I saw Charlie glance at me then whisper something to Beau, probably slagging me off.

Charlie's P.O.V

Sarah got up and left. I presumed she was getting ready for tonight. I watched her leave.

"I feel bad for her you know" I muttered to Beau


"Well no one really speaks to her and I don't know why"

"She's a cheerleader so we all go by the typical stereotype. Plus you only started speaking to the boys to come out of your shell more."

"Good point. I'm going to get ready!"


I gave him a quick kiss then went upstairs. I walked past Jai's room and heard her on the phone. She was talking about me and some of the others so I stopped and listened.

"Yeah Charlie used to be suicidal and everything, Beau actually cried and oh my god the best part. Those two split up because of loads of reasons but one of them was that at the start Beau slept with Lucy and Luke has no idea. Awkward."

I quickly walked away and sent Beau a text telling him to come upstairs. 

"What's wrong now?"

"Who's Sarah on the phone too?"

"Um one sec"

He left the room, I heard some mumbling then he walked back in.

"One of her cheer friends why?"

"Because she just told them about you sleeping with Lucy and I don't know what else!"


"Let's just carry on like normal yeah?"

"Uh huh. I'm gonna take a shower!"

"No me first!"

"Ugh fine."

"Love you"

"Love you too"

I got out and started to do my hair, make up and get dressed. I was slightly worried about tonight.


We arrived at the club and everyone seemed happy. Gina was babysitting Nicky so he was sorted. The music was blasting and we started drinking.

Everyone got up and started dancing, it was so funny seeing Daniel trying to attempt the worm. He noticed me laughing.

"Oi street dancer show us some moves"

"Noo way!"

"At least do the worm"

"Fine, make some room!"

Everyone spaced out and I did it. It was so much fun except the fact I was wearing a dress.

I looked around and saw Sarah and Luke in the corner talking. My eyes widened. I started to walk over but then Luke stormed off. He barged straight past me. Lucy noticed and ran after him, Beau came over to me and everyone else looked completely puzzled. We all followed and went outside. Sarah looked smug. I was fuming, I took a step forward but I felt someone grabbing me. I looked in the corner of my eye, Daniel was holding my left arm and Beau had my right. They both slightly shook their heads. I took a deep breath and nodded. They let go and I turned to Beau. I nuzzled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

I could hear fast footsteps and someone shouting. Beau started to move backwards dragging me with him.

"Luke please, I can explain, LUKE STOP!" Beau sounded scared

I turned and felt a fist hit my cheek. I fell to the floor and looked up.

"Sorry Charl, I was aiming for your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend"

"Luke not here"


"Hitting out isn't going to resolve anything Luke"

"I know you're right but I'm so angry"

He turned to Beau and as I started to get up he pounced on him and they started to fight. Everything became a blur, everyone screaming and shouting. I couldn't breathe, I grabbed Luke's shoulders and pulled him off. Before he could hit Beau again I blocked the way.


Sorry it wasn't long again and not very good. I'll update tomorrow. Vote&Comment:) Charlie xx

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