Chapter 51

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Last night was the best. I got to streetdance with my crew in front of thousands of people and I got to watch my boyfriend in his concert. The girls were great too.

We're travelling to Italy next and I'm so excited, I want to go for pizza and everything! We're leaving tonight!

Today everyone's going out. We are all going as a group. This never ends well. Someone will end up arguing which will end in tears. Again.

We went to a restaurant aka McDonalds. I wasn't complaining but we all had to sit separated. Me and Beau got a two seater and everyone got seats surrounding them. We were sort of together but not.

I looked at Beau and I could tell there was something bugging him. I started to panic after remembering his track record. Player, cheater, druggy. Argh so many thoughts started going around my head. I've been stressing a lot lately, the bullies have come back and they're 10 times worse. I could hear my heartbeat in my head.

My chest went tight and I started to struggle to breathe, it was hurting so bad.

I leant forward clutching my chest and Beau was instantly right by my side.

"Babe you okay?"

"I can't b-b-breathe"


Everyone jumped up and began to surround us, it made my breathlessness even worse.

"I need I-I n-need..."


"I need you to shut up!"

"Oh well that's rude"

"I-I need space"

"Everyone back up!"

I leant my had back and my vision started getting blurry. Was I having a heart attack? Surely not, I'm way to young.

My eyes locked on Beau. He stared at me panicking.

"I need you to answer me something Beau"


"Have you cheated again?"

"No. but someone kissed me earlier and I've felt bad about it all day even though it wasn't my fault. I'm sorry!"

I nodded still unable to breathe, the pain was unbearable. I started to cry.

"No babe don't be upset"

"It hurts"

"I know, please stay awake!"

"I love you"

"Charlie! Charlie no..."

His voice got quieter and faded. Black.

Beau's P.O.V

I don't know what to do she's unconcious, I don't know CPR or anything like that!


Nobody came it's like no one cared. I focused on everyone around me, they were stood there crying. I had to keep it together and try and keep her alive. I felt for a pulse and there was one, weak, but there still was one.

She was so pale, why did everything always happen to her!

Why do bad things always happen to good people?

The ambulance arrived and took her away instantly.

I turned to everyone before going in the ambulance.

"Go to Italy without me. I'll explain on twitter why I'm not there! I'll keep you all posted okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Have a great time for her and me!"

"We will. We'll phone as soon as we land"

"Okay, goodbye!"

I climbed into the ambulance and they drove off. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she had loads of wires attached to her.

"What's wrong with her?"

"It looks like a heart attack sir"

"But the doctor said she wouldn't have one"

"Probably stressed, that's the most common reason"

I fell silent.

I took her phone out of her pocket so no one would take it. I unlocked it to find 50 or more messages. They were all off unknown numbers. There were texts like "you shouldn't have come back" "wait until you return to LA" and other things like that. It was horrible. I sent them all messages back. No way was she waking up to abuse.

I put it in my pocket just as we arrived at the hospital. She was rushed into intensive care. I knew the drill, stay in the waiting room until someone comes to get me. I sat back and felt something wet on my face. I looked at my reflection and saw tears.

The only reason I cry is for her. She's my life and for some reason nobody or nothing wants me to be with her. She keeps being taken away from me. 

I had her bag with me as well so I looked in there for a drink, I found a diary. I starting flicking through and she only ever wrote nice things about me and everyone else, even people she didn't get along with. I found one about me that stood out, it said:

Beau Peter Brooks. He's the most perfect guy in the world, inside and out. He means everything to me. I'm sick of bad things happening that separate us. Even when my eyes are closed I see and think of him. He's my life and I hope I'm his. I love him so much. I want to marry this guy and have kids with him. Or a puppy at least. Maybe even both. He's so supportive and has helped me through so much. We've fallen out a few times but it has only made us stronger. He makes me smile. I want to be with him until the day I die. He helps me through everything! I can't thank him enough for all he's done. He's mine. Forever.

This was the cutest thing she's ever written about me. It brought a smile to my face. We felt the same about each other. Everything in my heart was piecing together.

It's official, I'm in love with Charlie Carter. She will pull through this and we'll be together forever.

Hope you liked it! I'll update tomorrow! Vote&Comment! Charlie xx

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