Chapter 11

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I woke up to a room full of visitors. Everyone was here, James, Luke, Jai, Daniel, Sarah, Lucy, Gina etc. It was nice to have them all here, Beau was still sleeping so I smiled at them. They all smiled back. Maybe I could get the full story out of them.

"Hey guys, what exactly happened to Ashley?", nobody was speaking, they were all just looking at me with sadness in their eyes.

"Please tell me? I need to know, she's my sister! Luke you wouldn't like it if something happened to Jai and no one would tell you what happened!" his eyes moved from me and stared and James.


"You'll hate me and I don't want that."

"EXPLAIN NOW!" I'd finally had enough and if I had to raise my voice to get told the truth I would. Everyone left and Beau woke up and went to get breakfast.

"Okay okay! It was my fault, you were both missing and everyone was all down and we searched for you both everyday. I decided to come back to the house to have a rest when Ashley came bundling through the door. She was in bits and covered in blood. Yours. I got angry that she hadn't helped you so I sat there in silence. Ashley must've been home an  hour when the door was kicked open, these two guys came in but she had hidden. They asked me to kill her and if I didn't they would kill the boys and I couldn't have that! They left and the boys came home a bit later. They were all so happy to see Ashley which annoyed me slightly because it seemed like everyone had suddenly forgotten you."

I nodded indicating him to carry on.

"She then told us what happened when you two were little, the cliff incident? Well it got me thinking, maybe I could redo what happened but make sure you weren't there to get hurt this time, I know how much everyone loves you and I found out Ashley had been cheating on me for months which got my anger up"

"Carry on James!"

"I told her to clear her head by going for a drive and I had researched and found different places to go where there were cliffs. Nobody knows this Charl and please don't hate me but I drove us up there, pretended to lose control and I jumped out before we went off the edge and she fell. By the time the ambulance had come she had drowned. I'm so sorry! I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me"

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say, how to feel, what to do. I just stared at him with a blank expression. 

"Can I go home yet?", was the only thing I could say.

"Yeah they're releasing you today Charl"

"No I don't think you know what I mean", by now everyone had come back.


"I want to go home, to Australia. I need to tell my dad that Ashley's dead and we need to grieve together. It's just us two now. The police can find mum and contact us. I really can't stay here, not after what has just happened. But you boys carry on with what you were going to do, concerts and all that stuff, I'll skype and call you every day! I promise"

They all nodded. Beau looked a bit upset but promised he would come home early so he could be with me.

After a few hours I had my plane ticket and I was getting ready to go on my plane. I gave everyone a hug including James because I hadn't got my head around it yet. I kissed Beau goodbye and boarded the plane, it was so hard but I really couldn't stay.

Sorry if there was any confusion with the death. Hope this chapter cleared it up:) hope you enjoyed! I'll update later!  Vote&Comment:D Charlie xx

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