Chapter 60

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I woke up and Beau was gone. I noticed a note on the table next to the bed. I opened it up and it said: 

Dear Charlie, I didn't want you getting in danger so we snook out early. 
Nicky's with Lucy's parents but we haven't told them why. 
I had to leave someone in the house just incase anyone came back.
I didn't want it to be you but I'd rather you be in the house where there's a phone.
We've gone to Danny's to double check and find clues.
Hope you aren't too mad with us. Love you, Beau xx

I felt quite annoyed that they didn't wake me to tell me. I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I had to have cereal because I couldn't cook anything else.

Halfway through eating the housephone went. 

"Hello? Beau?"

"No it's Danny"

"Why are you phoning?"

"I know where they are but the boys won't listen"

"Tell me"

"You know down the docks there's that deserted warehouse?"

"Kind of"

"Well there"

"Thanks Danny"

"Wait don't yo-.."

I hung up before he could say any more. I ran upstairs, threw my hair up in a bun, chucked on a pair of leggings and one of Beau's baggy vests with vans and a beanie then ran out of the house. I quickly locked the door and jumped on a bus. 

Luckily for me the bus stopped right opposite the warehouse.

I got off and studied it. I had to work out how to get in for a start because there was fencing all around it. I went to look on my phone but then I remembered I had left it in the house. Beau was going to kill me.

I found a payphone which happened to work so I left him a message telling him what I was doing.

I got to the fence which was pretty tall. I couldn't get through it so I had to climb. 

I checked to make sure no one was there then I began climbing. I was greatful it wasn't an electric one.

Once I made it to the top I jumped over the other side landing flat on my feet.

I could see a smashed window higher up but there was a ledge under it.

I stood on a burnt out bin which boosted me onto the ledge.

I listened for a second and the whole place seemed dead silent.

I put my head through the smashed window and looked around, I could see someone lying on the floor.

"Lucy? Sarah?" I whispered loudly

The figure started to stir a bit then looked right at me.


"It's me, which one of you is it?"

"It's your mum"

As she said that my hand slipped on the window frame and I fell in landing in a load of scrap metal and things. There was a loud bang which echoed, then everything went silent.

"Charlie? Charlie are you okay?"


"Slowly get up. Make sure you aren't injured"

I was so angry with her I just jumped straight up and I felt a piece of metal pull out of my leg. I looked at her and made a whimpering noise.

"I told you"  she sounded smug

It's all about him. -Beau Brooks fanficWhere stories live. Discover now