Chapter 13

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I woke up and found a note next to me. I opened it, it was from my dad. It read 

"Dear Charlie, I need time to think, time to grieve, I've left one of my cards so you have money, use it to buy yourself food and things but also to plan your sisters funeral. I know you can do it honey, I believe in you. Gina said she'll help and I'm sure the boys will too. If you're wondering why I've suddenly done this ask James. Love you lots, Dad. xx"

I can't believe he's left me. Guess I'll have to wait until the boys get here! 

I switched my laptop on and browsed through twitter. I was receiving lots of nice tweets, it turns out my sister's death had been on the news. It was so nice to be getting these, I felt I had support.

There was a knock at my door. I skipped and answered and who was stood there? The boys and girls! It was so nice to see them.

"Hello trouble", Beau said smirking.

"Hey guys! I suppose you all better come in"

Luckily they knew my sarcasm and laughed it off. I felt so much better now they were here.

"Charlie some certain people have news!", Beau explained.

"What? What is it? Good news I hope."

"Well it depends how you look at it", Luke interrupted

"Tell me then!"

"Well, me and Lucy are having a baby", Luke was beaming after saying this.

"OH MY GOD! Shut up! CONGRATULATIONS!", I got them both in a group hug, I was so happy for them!

We all had a celebratory drink, non alcoholic for the pregnant girl of course. 

"James, come and give me a hand to grab some more drinks"


All drinks were kept in the basement which I hated going in by myself so at least someone was there and no one would hear our conversation.

"My dad left me a letter", I began


"Don't act stupid James I know you know because he mentioned you in it. Now why did he leave?"

"He left because I told him the truth. That it was me. He was upset but very understanding about it. He wanted to clear his head because at first he was angry and incase he got worse he didn't want to be with you. That's why we have to look after you"

"I can look after myself thanks"

"Don't be like that"

"Do the boys know yet?"


"Why not?"

"Because they'll hate me"

"No they won't"

"They will!"

"Well I don't hate you and it was my sister. Everyone knows none of them liked her except for me and you."

Okay fine, I'll tell them. You know I never loved your sister!" 

"Why the hell did you go out with her then? AND tell her that you loved her!"


The basement door flung open making us both jump...

I'll update again tomorrow:) hope it's going okay! Vote&Comment:) Charlie xx

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