CH 1

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Important note, I changed things in this story, so I'm starting from scratch.

Lyra's POV

I looked at the time, 10:05 AM I had to be at the office exactly at 11 for an important meeting. Quickly I fluffed up my hair, double checked if my makeup was on point, double checked my outfit. It was too... exposed, when you work in business you can't show too much skin or your reputation is bad and nobody would like to make negotiations with you. That's just how it works. Of course, I'm not the same on my free time, I'm the opposite. It's how I am and I love it.

"Make sure you have my bath ready by six, I want to come home and relax" I told one of my maids, they nodded understanding the task that I've assigned them. "After that take the rest of the day off" I grabbed my belongings and headed towards my baby to greet him. Before any of you ask, no I'm not in a relationship, nor do I have a kid, that's not my lifestyle. I find it exhausting and a waste of time, I'm more into the fun side.

"Good morning my love" I ran my hand on the hood of my car, admiring how shiny it was from its previous car wash. Those guys really knew how to deep clean a car.

"Ms Santos" One of my maids, Gricelda, came running up to me as I was getting inside the car. "I'm so sorry I was unable to do your latte this morning, there was so much clothes and sheets to deep clean as well as the carpets" I couldn't get mad at her, she was always doing her job right. Besides she treated me like her daughter that she always wanted but unfortunately was never able to have.

I smiled at her, "don't worry about it, I'll go to Starbucks later"

"Be careful mija" I grinned at her and asure her that I would. That being said I headed straight to work.

Once I got there I was greeted by my assistants, shoving working papers on my face, this needed to be confirmed, this needed my signature, this and that. I sighed and took off my glasses, "if anyone else tries to shove one more piece of paper into my face, I will fire you immediately, and we'll see who else can give you the biggest paycheck of your life"  with that being said everyone stayed quiet after that and went to their desk sending me all the papers through email.

I got to my desk and started to work. When I was younger I always thought business was an easy job, I wanted to do it because if you're really good at it the pay is high, and I'm talking big stacks of money. Now that I'm doing business, it all paid off so good. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 10:40.

I signed the last papers that needed to be handed in by the end of the day and made my way to the meeting room, where I was about to present my new project.


"Girl I'm exhausted" I dropped myself down the couch that I had in my office, my best friend Ana smiled and started massaging my head. "I need a vacation"

"No I don't think you need that, you just need to get laid" she laughed, I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her. Her idea didn't sound too bad either it's been a while since I've gotten laid ever since I dropped my last man.

"I think I might just do that" I snickered

"Why don't you find yourself a man that can love you and give you everything you wish"

"Please, you know I don't do any of those stuffs. Plus what else would I need? I have everything I've always wanted"

"You need love, you need to know how it feels to be loved and to learn how to give love" she sounds pathetic.

"Ana I don't know why you're telling me this when you're the one that taught me this lifestyle" she gave me a face of concern, "I don't know what's making you change your mind and trying to change my mind"

Deep Desire | Andy Biersack |Where stories live. Discover now