Chapter 4

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*Laurance's POV*

I arrive at my apartment building soon enough and I trudge to the elevator, the exhaustion finally reaching me full. I punch my floor button and wait for the crazy machine to lurch upwards.

I pull out my phone, scrolling through my twitter; seeing fanarts, quotes and memes pass through my feed. I chuckle at some of these crazy fans and how creative they were. I shove my phone back in my pocket and step out onto my floor, walking down the long, long, LONG hallway to my apartment door.

I unlock my door and slam it behind me, breathing in deeply. Home sweet home. I grab my laptop, curling up on my couch. I open a youtube tab and head to my channel, hoping to clear my mind. I read through some of the comment n on my lastest video for about an hour or so, looking at the feedback and responses. I love my job.

After finishing some editing on a video for tomorrow I head to bed, totally worn out. But I don't fall asleep.All my thoughts suddenly surrounded Garroth. Why couldn't I get him off my mind? What was it about him that made me unable to get him out of my head? I bury my face in my hands. All I wanted was to sleep. This could be a long night.


A/n: Sorry, shorter chapter than usual and its.. pretty bad... but I wanted to get something out tonight. Hope you enjoyed, as always.

But also holy crap 50 reads, wowwee. Thanks for reading this rubbish. ❤

Bye bye~

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