Chapter 11 - Rain.

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(I'm so distracted all I hear is rain on the roof it's so nice  I'm so content)


We decided on us all meeting up at Dante and Travis ' house. I decided on walking since I didn't have a car yet and I didn't feel like taking up a taxi driver's time. I walk down a sidewalk,  looking at the colours around me. The air is cool and it feels like it might rain. I hope it does.

I let my thoughts drift as I continued walking, my mind hovering over random subjects like cat videos, crazy ice cream flavours, and the true raw meaning of our entire existence.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts as I feel a cold drop of water hit my cheek. Rain. A smile spreads across my face as the rain falls around me. Yessss.

I continue on in the rain, my hair soaking wet soon enough.  I laugh to myself, Aphmau is probably going to yell at me for not bringing an umbrella and how I'm going to get a cold. I mean, it's probably true but honestly, I don't really care.

The sound of rain calms me to a ridiculous amount. Reminds me of movie nights with my mom and younger brothers. Vylad was always scared of thunder. Thought the skies were mad at him or something. So our mom would start up a movie and we'd all curl up in warm blankets eating way too buttery popcorn.

It takes me a moment to register I've walked right past my destination.

...And hearing Aphmau yelling at me.


I laugh, turning around to face Aphmau.

"Geez, calm down, it's not that big of a deal." I grin.

She groans and gestures for me to get over to the house. I walk in the door to immediately get a towel thrown at my face.

"Thanks, Dante." I laugh from behind the towel.

"Don't track water in my house, ya dingus." Dante says, trying to sound stern but ultimately failing. He sounds like he's trying not to laugh.

Travis' voice can be hear in another room. "ITS MY HOUSE TOO."

I hear laughter from the same room. Sounds like I'm the last one hear then. Perfect.  I mess with my incredibly messy hair. The rain certainly did not help my hair. Once I'm dry enough so I don't track water in Dantes house, Mau drags me into the other room.

"Geez, Mau, what's with the dragging?" I roll my eyes, a smile on my face. I had missed my best friend, and I was just glad to know she missed me too.

"C'mon! You gotta meet the others! " She chirps brightly, a bounce in her step.

Oh boy. More people.

... Wow, I'm really starting to sound like Zane.


Wow! That took some time. Sorry if this chapter is a little oddly paced, around the middle of writing this I went and stood in the rain and made a cup of tea. :3 Wonderful way to cure writers block, if you ask me.

Anywhozzles, I hope you all enjoyed!

Bye bye~ ♡

(P.s. I hope you all know that your guys comments make my day)

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