Ravioli ravioli chapter 33-oli

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Hey look I actually am trying to update on a schedule. Awe you guys pwoud? :3 and I drew the thing I mentioned last chappy about Zane being a pastel cutie in UpsideDown

Anyways, to the story.
(Thursday night)

I sit on my laptop, scrolling through  social media. Selfies, selfies, rant post, selfie, chain post, selfie, #notmypresident, selfie, selfie, meme, selfie, meme, meme, selfie, meme, and a random theory that all of us are actually characters in a book and things we do without knowing why is the Author writing us into situations we otherwise would never be in. I laugh at that. If that was true, we just totally broke the fourth wall.

I continue doing my thing when my phone buzzes. I pick it up, seeing a... mildly suspicious text from Aph.

Aph: Hey laur, as you know, I'm heading out of town soon and I wanted to ask you a favor

Me: the last time I did you a favor I got stuck in a barrel on a cargo ship.

Aph: it wasn't that bad...

Me: a barrel, Aphmau. On a cargo ship. A cargo ship, Aphmau.

Aph: I swear nothing can go wrong this time

Me:... fine, what do you need?

Aph: It's about Garroth... he's sick and I need you to make sure he takes care of himself.

Me: Wait, Garroth is sick?? And why would he need my help? I mean, I'd be happy to, but why?

Aph: He... has a bad habit of forgetting to take care of himself sometimes. :/

I frown, tapping the case of my phone. He just... forgets?  I bite my bottom lip. To be honest, I... think I  kinda like Garroth. I didn't think he'd be the type to just not take care of himself. I mean, it sure didn't show, if you know what I mean. (Imsosorry)

I decide against asking further, knowing Aph would probably end up shutting off in hopes of not saying too much.

Me: Alright, I'll swing by there tommorow. I just have one last question--

What can I say? I'm a curious sort of person.

-- Why me?

I sure didn't anticipate her response.
But it wasn't an unwelcome one either.
I lean forward, rereading the message over and over.
It simply said:

Because, doof, he cares about you too.

I know she meant it as he cares as a friend, but still... comforting none the less.  I press the phone to my chest and breath in deeply. Maybe I really do like him.

I wake up, sprawled out on the couch. I check the time. 10:57am. I groan, sitting up. Sunlight drifts through the windows and I rub my eyes, the world coming into full focus. The dark green curtains are open, showing the world outside. Rays of sun sit on the floors and walls, brightening the room.

I run a hand through my hair, light sifting through it. Then, I remember last night. The texts. I smile. I should probably shower and... maybe I'll make some soup for Garroth.

Me: Hey Garroth, mind if I swing by? :P

He responds suprisingly fast, I had expected him to be asleep or ever just to sick to bother.

Gar: I mean, you can, but fair warning: I'm a bit sick.

Me: Yeah, I heard :P Just wanted to swing by and check up on you

I smile softly to myself. Dork.

Gar: Oh? Okay, sweet, I'll try and get myself off the couch and put on a shirt then 😝

I mean, you don't have to. Wait, what am I thinking? I shake off the thought, blushing.

Me: Heh, might be a good idea. See ya soon.

I put the phone in my pocket and dust off my hands. I walk into the kitchen and pick up the ceramic pot filled with soup. Hope Garroth likes Thai chicken noodle soup.

I head out, stepping into the elevator. An elderly lady smiles up at me.

"What floor, young man?" She asks kindly. I swear I recognize her from somewhere.

"Uhhh, the fifth, please." I shift awkwardly, the pot amd lid clanking together slightly.

She looks at the soup and a grin twitches at her lips. "Is your boyfriend sick, sweetheart? How kind of you to make him soup."

I blush. "H-he's not my boyfriend, actually. Just needs a space between boy and friend and that's all." I laugh awkwardly.

The old lady suddenly frowns, looking down. "Wait a minute, have I been mixing visions with present? Oh dearie me. Maybe I need to speak with..." She mutters to herself.

I purse my lips as the elevator stops at Garroth's floor.

"Goodbye, Ma'am." I say, stepping put of the elevator.

"Be careful with the boy, Laurance. He's been through much."

I turn to look at the woman, but the elevator is empty. It closes, leaving me in a mix of shock and confusion.

What HAD Garroth been through? Do I want to know?

I shake the thoughts from my head and walk to his apartment. 504. I rest the soup in one hand and knock on the door.

"Come in." I hear his voice, which was a bit hoarse, probably from coughing.

I open the door. His place is suprisingly clean, despite that he and Zane and... I guess Vylad all lived here, even if temporarily. I walk into the living room, where Garroth sits on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. I laugh softly.

"I brought so-- OH MY IRENE IS THAT SHERLOCK?" I notice the show playing on the screen, Obviously A Study In Pink.

He grins, nodding. "Wanna watch with me?"

"Sure, lemme set down the soup first, though." I walk to the kitchen, setting down the pot.

It's obvious  Aph was here before me, as half the cabinet doors are open, along with some drawers. I spot bowls and I grab one, filling it with soup. Might as well, as I doubt Garroth had lunch yet. I head back to Garroth, handing his the bowl.

"What's this?" He looks up at me.

"Soup, obviously. Cadenza used to make it for me when I got sick. Try it."

So he does. And he grins, covering his mouth with his other hand. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing." He says, giggling slightly. "I didn't know you were such the great cook"

I put my hand over my chest in fake-flattery, though I was very flattered, and huff daintly. "Oh, you. Now cmon, let's watch." I grin.

Garroth starts the episode back up and leans back, eating more of his soup, curls of blonde hair falling in his face. A tiny smile on his lips and a little sparkle in his eyes.

Damn, was he attractive.

In more than just his looks.


Bloop. Another chapter cus sudden inspiration is GR8

Hope you all enjoyed~
Bye bye~ ♡

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