Chapter 52

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I'm trying to get these out and f a i l i ng 


The shock on Garroth's face wasn't ideal, but it was better than the frown that had carved it's way into his features.

"Wh... what?" Garroth stutters, his voice almost squeaks from the shock.

"Well... I mean--" I almost backed out. Almost. "Yeah, you heard me. Let's go out. You've been holed up in your apartment for the part two weeks, some sun would do you good."

"I-- okay, I guess, what... what did you have... have planned?" He tucks a stray curl back into the mess on top of his head.

"How about..." I look out the window, the sun was shining brightly, melting the last few chunks of snow and ice. "What if we took Raven for a walk? Hung out in the park?"

Garroth pushes a few pieces of clothing off his lap, quickly standing up (and placing the clothes neatly on the arm of the couch). He quickly adjusts his hair and shirt. "Ye... yeah, yeah, that sounds fun!"

"Great! I'm gonna grab a coat, and then we'll stop by your place to grab Raven."

"Yeah, alright!" Garroth smiles softly. It was a cute little smile.

I chuckle to myself as I head back to my room, my jacket laid across my bed. I scoop it up and pull it on. It's... a bit tight. I should get a new one soon.

Garroth is folding the last piece of laundry when I walk back into the living room. He places the bright floral shirt on top of the stack with that same tiny smile.

"You know, I cannot imagine you wearing... anything like this in any situation, Laur." Garroth looks at me, crossing his arms.

"Well, I am a man of many mysteries, Gar." I say, pushing a few stray hairs out of my face. They promptly fall back into place.

"I'm sure you are. Ready to go?" He pulls his oversized jacket around him. It almost made him seem small. You know, for a guy who's almost six feet tall.

I push my hair back again. And yet again, it makes it's grand return to my eyes. "Just a second." I dig into my pockets.

"What are you looking for?" 

"Eh, I was hoping to find-- Oh, wait." I pull the hair tie out of my hair and start to put it back up.

Garroth looks at me for a moment as I finish tying it back.

"What, got a problem with the man bun I'm rocking?" I say to him, with a tiny grin that I can't stop.

"N.. no, not at all." He stutters slightly, embarrassed.

I chuckle, linking my arm around Garroth's. "Well then, are we ready?"

"Don't..." Garroth pauses with a laugh. "Don't you want to put on some shoes, possibly?"

"Oh. Maybe."


I lean against the hallway wall as Garroth unlocks his door. The moment the lock clicks, the clickity sound of claws on the floor, a sporadic sound, due to the dog's missing appendage. Garroth smiles slightly to himself before swinging the door open. A few excited yaps carry through the slightly stale apartment air. Seriously, would it kill them to open  some windows?

"I'll go grab his leash and we can go, alright?"

Garroth looks at me, and... in the time we hadn't seen each other I had forgotten how... for lack of a better word, beautiful they were. I wasn't sure what exactly what color they were, but if there was a word for it, I'd find it.

I realize that I've left a moment of silence that only consisted of me staring into Garroth's eyes while possibly making the stupidest expression I could manage, so I just nod, clearing my throat.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'll be... here! Yeah, you do thaaaatt..."

Garroth makes a slightly confused face, before mumbling something vague and heading inside. I slap myself in the face. Repeatedly.

Well, it could be worse.

He could have seen me checking out his ass in the elevator.

I shake my head at myself, pulling my phone from my pocket. The only new thing is a few email and some news announcements.  Nothing really important.

"Hey, Laur, can you try calling my phone? I managed to lose it while I was cleaning house today."

I nod (even though he can't see me), and pull open his contact. Pressing the green call button, I wait to hear the sound of it ringing.  The noise is muffled, but loud enough to distinguish at least a little bit. Its a personalized ringtone. I try not to wonder too much about whether that's just the ringtone he chose for everyone or if it's only mine.

Garroth groans in annoyance. "I can't find it! It's like the noise is following me!" The blond turns to face me, and once again, the sound moves with him.

I stifle a laugh the moment I realize where the phone is. I press my own phone into his hands and spin him around.

"What are you--" Garroth's surprise at my sudden actions is quickly replaced with confused giggling as I fish his phone out of his jacket hood.

I laugh, sliding the little green icon on his screen, accepting the call. I clear my throat, and try for my best Garroth impression. "Hello, you've reached Garroth's hoodie, how may I help you?"

Garroth snickers. "Is-- Is that supposed to be me? I don't sound anything like that!"

I point to the phone at my ear, mouthing the words: "Can't talk, on the phone." 

Garroth rolls his eyes, his smile giving him away, before bringing my phone to his face.

"Has anyone ever told you that you suck at impressions?" He says softly, and I hear his voice in double. Once in the room, sitting in the air, and once through the phone, so close to the mic that you could hear the soft rasp of his breath.

"Once or twice."

Garroth gets a cheeky look on his face, before making a crack at impersonating me.

"Ya know, I was sorta under the impression that we had plans, buddy. Are we gonna get to that, orrrr...?"

I sigh in defeat. This man was too good.

"Damn, Gar. I've got to admit, that wasn't half bad." I say, hanging up the phone with a grin. I glance at it for a second. It's one of those new IPhones, miraculously with no cracks on the screen.

"Hm. Thought that was obvious. Now,  may I please have my phone back?" He holds his palm out, an expectant look on his face.

"Alright, alright, here." I laugh, pressing his phone into his outstretched hand.

"Thank you." Garroth says, dropping my phone into my hands as well.

"Now," He pauses, grabbing the dog leash from the coat rack. "Are we going, or not?"


Lmao sorry it's shit but here's u r January   chap lol see u in February  maybe

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