Chapter 42

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You see nothing

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You see nothing

*Garroth, my sON*

I fumble to unlock my door, my face burning pink. I can't believe I did that. I kissed him. I almost did it earlier too-- Ohhh my irene, regret. I open the door, walking into the dark room. I flick on the light and jump, seeing Zane sitting on the couch, staring at me.

"It's two-fifteen."

"...Are you kidding me?" I ask, looking at my little brother like he was mad.

"Nope. Explain yourself, where were you, who were you with and did you use protection?" He says, completely serious.

"I--wha-- huh?!" I feel my face heat up.

"Jeez, Garroth, it's a simple question. I really don't get why people find sex so alarming." He says shaking his head.

"I-- We didn't-- Nobody ever said that anyone was... ya know... Nothing happened! It was just a peck on the cheek..." I whisper-yell, covering my blushing face.

"Alright then, so why are you back so late?" He asks, raising a brow.

"I was at the party, I came back on my own time." I shake my head, mildly exasperated.

"I told you to be ba--"

"Well, I'm an adult, Zane. Besides, it's only fifteen minutes after 2." I say, carefully pulling the last fake flower out of my hair.

Zane's voice is a background mumble  as I spin the fake rose in my hand, the fabric of the red petals brushing against my skin. I blush, my mind wandering to the brunet I had only just left behind. The way his fingers gently brushed my cheek when he fixed this very flower into my hair, with his own rosy cheeks and a dorky smile...

"GARROTH!" Zane shouts, snapping me out of my trance a bit too effectively. I yelp, jumping.

"S-sorry, Zane! W-what was it you were saying?" I stutter, just a bit shaken.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, Garroth, but you were in a completely different world there." Zane says, softening his voice.

"I'm fine, d-don't worry about it." I say, twisting the flower stem around my pointer finger.

Zane sighs slightly, standing up. "You don't seem fine. You don't stutter for many reasons, brother, and being fine isn't one of them. Get some rest. We've all had a late night."

I nod. "You're right. I'll see you in the morning, baby brother." I smile softly at him.

"Goodnight, big brother." Zane says, a slight smile twitching on his lips.

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