Chapter 39, take two

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*coughs out a lung*

Hey. I'm back.


-- iiiiiiittt.

I shut the apartment door and flop down face first into the black couch.

"Oh boy." I hear Zane half laugh behind me.

"Exactly my problem. Boy." I grab at one of the pillows, burying my nose into it.

Zane laughs. "So you owe Vylad some money, then?" He says, and I can almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Nono, Vylad said love, this is just... a little crush." I would hardly believe myself if I were anyone else.

"Hate to say it, Garroth, but you're falling, and falling hard. Not that it's your fault I guess, you always were the emotional one. Got it from Mom, I guess."

"Stop being right and let me avoid my fate." I mumble, hugging the pillow tighter.

I listen as my brothers footsteps fade and a door shuts. He went to his room. I scratch my fingernails against the pillow's fabric cover, letting out a small sigh. This wasn't going to end well. Not by a long shot. It never did. Zane was right. I'm too emotional for my own good, and I have a nasty habit of getting tangled in my own feelings. I fall for people far too easily and definitely far too quickly. One of the few things I got from my mother, her heart. Except she was much, much smarter about it than I am. I remember her telling me stories of when she was young and how she saved a puppy when she was eight and how she met my dad and Mrs. Sylvanah. She loves-- loved everything and everyone.
I sit up, brushing hair out of my eyes. I place the pillow back, fluffing it slightly. Thinking about my mom right now is too much. With Vylad still not responding to messages, work going as it did this morning, and... other things, I had enough emotions flitting around in my stomach.

I stand, walking to the kitchen. I fish my phone out of my pocket and toss it on the counter, grabbing a soda out of the fridge. I'm about to take a sip, when the phone rings. I cough out the drink in suprise, and grab for the phone. I don't recognize he number, but I answer it anyway.

"Hello?" I answer, wiping my chin with my sleeve.

"Heyyyyyy Garroth... heh. It's V--"


"Heh... sounds like you guessed it." My youngest brother's voice is awkward and a bit tense. He could tell I was pissed.

"Where have you been? It's been two weeks since you left without a word! Are you trying to give me a bloody heart attack? And you're not calling on your phone, what happened? Did you think I wouldn't  notice? Where are you? I canno--" I start rambling before Vylad stops me.

"Garroth, calm down, I can only answer one question at a time!" He says, and I sigh, leaning against the counter.

"Alright. Question one. Are you okay?" I bring my voice back down, trying to stay calm.

"Ehh... kinda. I got in a bit of an accident... I--uh... sorta broke my leg."

There goes calm.

"You broke your leg? How?! What in the name of the Divine happened?!" I flail my free arm.

"Bike accident."

I pause, trying not to shout anymore. "Okay then, question two, where are you?"

"Down in Nahakara, I'm flying back tomorrow, though."

"Alright. Alright. Third and hopefully final question. Do you need any money? For a hotel room, the flight back, hospital bills, new phone?" I drum my fingers on the counter, already knowing the answer.

"Heh, now that you mention ittttt...."

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll send you some. Spend it wisely. Please don't buy any 'ancient spell books' or something like that." I laugh.

"Don't worry Garroth, you only fall for that once." He laughs. "See ya soon, big brother."

"Bye bye, baby brother."

And he hangs up. I set the phone on the counter and sigh. I turn around, heading to Zane's room. Might as well let him know what's going on with our brother.


I stare out the window at the empty city streets, snow covered and now decorated with lights and wreaths for the holidays coming soon. Everybody had plans for Christmas and such, families were coming together, everyone was just... happy. It's like there was a switch, and suddenly every problem was gone, because 'Hey, Christmas.' It was weird.

I rub my eyes, sleep still heavy on them. I had just woken up from yet another nightmare. They're a little less frequent now, but still there. They never really do leave, I guess... well, they did for Zane. He used to have them just as bad, maybe worse. But after a couple years after dad was gone, they just... stopped.

I shake my head, picking up my phone. The only real time I can remember a nightmare just stopping is when Laurance was over while I was sick.


I groan, putting my face in my hands. I hated it, but...

I was totally and completely falling for Laurance Zvahl.



Will you stop asking me to update now


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