Chapter 22~~

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*Garroth, our beloved fairy prince*

I lie awake, staring at the ceiling. I don't know what time it is, but  it's late at night. I call tell by the streetlights glowing outside, and the scatter of stars.  Zane is sleeping peacefully in the next room, another sign that it could be fairly late. I didn't sleep much, no matter how hard I try. When I do, it's just filled with nightmares.

I swing my legs over and get out of bed, going to the kitchen. Maybe making myself some tea will help. It certainly can't hurt. I put the water on to boil and sit down in the window seat.

I watch out the window, taking in the night view of the town for the umpteenth time. Nearly every sleepless night, I spent it here. I had become quite accustomed to it, really. I practically had the view memorized, from the amount of lampposts, to how the shadows hit the signs hanging from shops and buildings, seeming to distort the words on occasions.

My thoughts drift, the view slowly becoming one of the last things on my mind, replaced by sweet memories.


I sat out on the cool grass, staring up at the stars, counting them, connecting them like dots. I look over at my raven haired best friend, who she herself was almost captured by the stars. She looked up at them, her mouth slightly ajar. She looked almost shocked.

"Close your mouth, Mau, the moths in your brain will fly out," my childish voice giggled.

"Shut up, Gar! You're mean." Aphmau shoved me, well, as much as her small frame could at the time.

"I'm not mean, I'm just better than you," I had stated with a nod.

"I will sick Thorgi on you." She dropped her smile, looking dead serious.

"Oh please, the worse that dog could do is lick me to death. Besides, Thorgi loves me!" I chirped, placing a hand on my chest,  rather over dramatically, in hindsight.

"No he doesn't, he's too smart to love you," Aphmau shook her head, a smile betraying every word she had said. She was such a bad liar.

"Huh. So you admit you're not smart then?" I grinned, victorious.

"I.. um... ach, you win!" Mau flopped over on the grass, groaning.

"As always."

"You are so full of yourself, Gar." My best friends childlike laugh rings on my ears so clearly, as if it were sounding right next to me, right now.

"Of course I am! I'm perfect!" My voice had cracked in the middle of my sentence. Which made sense, I was about fourteen.

"Voice crack." Aphmau, being about twelve in this memory, took every opportunity to tease me on my voice cracking.

"S-shut up! I c-can't help it!" I stuttered.

"Whatever you say stu-st-st-Stutter King." She mocked, using one of my infamous nicknames from high school. I stutter way more back then, I guess.

"Evil Mau. Irene is frowning upon you right now for teasing an innocent, handsome guy." I pointed at the sky, trying to emphasize my point.

"I didn't tease an innocent, handsome guy. I teased you."

I gripped my chest, faking pain. "I'm so hurt, Mau. So very injured in my very soul."

"Drama queen."

"Damn right I'm the queen." I snapped, with an extra dose of sass.

"GAR! LANGUAGE!" Mau punched me in the arm.

"Oh shush, it's not that bad. The moment you step into high school, words like that will be nothing. Trust me."  I smiled at her. I remember not wanting her to have to go, fearing her losing her innocent glow.

"I wish it wasn't..." She trails off for a moment, then switches the conversation around. "So what are you doing tomorrow?"

I groaned. "My mum's taking me to the mall to shop for back to school stuff." 

The mall.


The memory twists at my heart, and I wipe at tears on my cheek. That was one of the last normal nights of my entire childhood. I just wish I had known what was going to happen... maybe I could have--

The sound of the water boiling over snaps me out of that dangerous train of thought, and I rush to the kitchen. I turn off the heat and place the pot aside. Oops.

"What got you so distracted?" My younger brother's voice makes me jump, I didn't think he was awake.

"Oh uh..." There was no use lying to him, I decided. No one could read my mind better than him.  "I was thinking about mum..."

Zane drops his crossed arms to his sides and sighs. "Enough water  to make two cups of tea?" He pushes his hair out of his good eye.

"Yeah, there should be. I heated enough for an army." I chuckle, pouring  some of the water into two mugs, making the tea.

I walk into the living room, handing Zane his cup of tea, sitting on the other end of the couch from him.

"I'm guessing you're not sleeping much tonight?" Zane askes, his voice softening.

"Probably not."  I admit, shrugging.

"Well, you should at least try, Garroth. It's not healthy how title you sleep. There are a lot of people who care about you, make sure you don't do anything stupid that would make us lose you, ok?" My baby brother looks at me, concern glittering in his cool blue eyes.

I sit in silence for a moment and hang my head.

Zane sighs and stands up. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, big brother. Please try and get some sleep." He walks into his room and shut the door.

I sigh. I should probably at least try and sleep.

After I finish my tea, of course.


Oh, Garroth my poor childdd 😢  I kinda wrote like, the most horribly sad back story for Garroth but I have zero regrets.
All of you Fangirls are gonna kill me when everything comes to light.

I've literally never written a flash back before so u had no idea what I was doing 😂 it was probably crap but eh.

Anywhozzles, I hope you all enjoyed.

Bye bai~ ♡

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