Chapter 41, The New Year

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I meant to write a Christmas chapter, but this is my apology chapter. I think you'll like~
(Yes I know it's late sh)

I drum my fingers against  my knee as Zane drives his new car. It's new years eve and Aph needed help  setting up for a party, so Vylad, Zane and I thought we'd head down and help. Of course, Vylad won't be doing much, since he still has a cast on his leg, which tends to hamper with one's ability to work.

"Left here?" Zane asks, breaking the silence.

"Right." I correct.

"Does that mean, 'yes, go left,' or 'no, go right'?" Vylad laughs.

"No, go right." I snicker, running a hand through my significantly shorter hair.

"Heh, Garroth, ya gotta be more specific." Zane chuckles, making me smile, sinking more into my seat.

"Suuuure, baby brother, I'll try and remember that. Turn here." I laugh and look down, tugging at the pale pink sleeves of my sweater. Vylad got it for me for Christmas, so I thought I'd wear it. Even if it was a size too big.

Eventually Zane pulls up into Aphmau's  driveway, and I swing my legs out, stretching. It's just a bit cramped in there, but it's not horrendous.  I help Vylad out, who pulls his scarf closer.

"My Irene, it's cold out here!" Vylad squeaks.

"Then let's get your sorry behind inside, silly!" I laugh, heading to the door and swinging it open. (Garroth you gotta knock wtf is wrong wif u)

"Mauuuu! We made it!" I shout, stamping the snow from my boots.

"Garroth?! Is that you? Why didn't you knock!?" I hear Mau shout as she walks into the front room from the kitchen.

I shrug, hopping a bit as I take off the boots, tossing them on the floor. "I didn't see the need."

"Mother of Irene, Garr--" she's cut off by another familiar voice.

"Aphmau, mija, who's there?"

(Hell yeah its aph-mom)

Ms. Sylvanah walks into the room, holding a box of streamers, which she promptly drops upon seeing my brothers and I. She runs up, pulling the three of us into a hug.

"Oooh, my boys! It's been so long! Aw, I haven't seen you in forever!" She cries, letting go.

"Miss Sylvanah!" Vylad grins.

Even Zane seems happy to see her. "Hey, it has been too long, hasn't it?" He says, and I can tell he's smiling under his mask.

"Far, far too long, Zuzu." She smiles softly and wipes away a tear at the corner of her eye.

Without noticing it, I had been clutching my mom's necklace, to the point where my knuckles were white. I let it go, the pendant falling back into place. I smile.

Aphmau giggles happily. "Now cmon, you guys, I need help decorating!"

An hour passes quickly, with jokes and decorating taking up each minute. Another passes with hot drinks and a nice chat with Ms. Sylvanah.  I yawn, smiling softly. Ms. Sylvanah was the closest thing I've had to a mother in years. I've missed her.



I knock on Aphmau's  door, waiting outside for a moment before the door swings open. The raven haired shortie instantly puts a finger to her lips, shushing me. Before I can ask what's going on, she grabs my arm, dragging me inside.

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