The true ch 43

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*has inspiration  for Boiling Point*

*everyone reads New Guy and most seem to prefer it*


Idk man I'm not a real writer

*Prince L-- wait wrong story-- lemme try again


"Dante, this is cheating!"

"Nobody set any rules, regulations or guidelines, so technically, this is perfectly legal!"

"Dante! I can't even see the screen!"

"Still not cheating!"

There's a pause. Then a thud.

"Oof! Travis! That's not fair! You can't just push me off the couch!"

"All is fair in love and war!"

"But this is Mario Kart!"


I groan, setting down my pencil. "Would you two stop flirting with each other so I can finish this?"

"Still straight!" Dante shouts, standing up with a grin.

"Still don't believe you." I shake my head at him.

"I won!" Travis says, throwing his arms up.

"Hey! No fair, I wasn't even paying attention!"

"And who's fault is that?" I say, smirking.

"I--tuh--Yours! You're the one who distracted me!"

"Nope, I think Travis did more of the distracting." I tease, sticking my tongue out at him.

In an immediate response, Travis makes an attempt at laying across the couch seductively.  I bite back a laugh, Dante shaking his head in annoyance.

"Oh c'mon, Dantee.~ You know you love me!" Travis says, trying not to laugh.

"Nope. Still straight.  As an arrow, now shut up and stop hogging the couch." Dante shoves away Travis' legs and sits back on the couch.

"Damn! How could you resist my seductive powers!" Travis wails, sitting upright.

"Very easily." I say, picking my pencil back up.

"You only say that because your heart belongs to another!" Travis points dramatically at me.

I instantly know they're talking about Garroth, it's always Garroth. I feel my face heat up and I huff.

"We aren't a thing!" I say, raising my hands defensively.

"Really? And you just... happened to be drawing him, then?" Dante smirks, pointing to my sketch.

"What? I'm not--" I look at my sketch, which, admittedly, does look a little like Garroth. "It's not Garroth. If it was..."
I erase part of the nose, redrawing it softer.

"And his eyelashes are a bit longer..."
A few simple strokes and long lashes curl upwards. Chewing on my lip, I try to recall the rest of Garroth's features.

"His bottom lip is a bit thinner..."
Dante and Travis walk closer as I focus on the mouth, curving it into a slight smile.

I purse my lips for a moment, looking at the drawing. Something was missing. I gently press the pencil lead to the paper, on the chin, placing the small scar across it.

"Absolutely not a thing, then." Travis says with a grin.

"Wha--Hey! This was about Dante's sexuality, not my relationships!" I yelp, slamming my sketchbook shut.

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