Chapter 46

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 Suddenly writing  lets effin g o 

*Garroth, future king of O'khasis*

"You're kidding me." I groan, looking at the ceiling.

"Nope! Now start talking." Aphmau grins, putting her chin in her hands.

"Nothing happened! For Irene's sake, Mau!" I ignore the blush on my face as I grab my apron from it's hook.

"Absolutely nothing? Really now? So where was my little brother this morning?" Cadenza asks, copying Aphmau's expression.

I freeze, opening my mouth to answer, not really knowing what exactly I wanted to say. There's not many good ways to answer that, really. 

"Soooo..." I start slowly. "He technically was with me, but not like that!" I say quickly, before any of the girls have a chance to cut in.

"Well, if not like that, how? Please, enlighten us." Katelyn smirks, leaning back in her chair.

"Well, he lost his keys, and it was too late from him to get a new one... soooo I let him stay at my place." I say with a shrug.

It wasn't a complete lie.

"So, he just happens to lose his keys and decides to stay the night with you.. and nothing happens? Knowing Laurance, I have a hard time believing that." Katelyn says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Also, your shirt is on backwards." Aphmau giggles.

I glance down and groan. Why didn't he say anything? 

"I was in a rush, okay? I slept in." I shrug, and the oven beeps.

"Could you get that, hun? I'm pretty invested in this debate." Hyria says, adjusting her purple shawl.

"Sure, Hyria." I spin around, grabbing the oven mitts and taking the muffin tin out, setting it on a cooling rack.

"Gar, you never... sleep in." Mau says, hesitating for a second, which no one else seems to pay much attention to.

I shrug, before kneeling down to throw out the old treats in the counter. 

"Well, obviously someone had a late night.~" Cadenza sing-songs, swaying her head slightly, red hair  falling out of place.

(I'm listening to old FOB songs, like Take This To Our Grave, I can feel my inner emo rejoice)


(If you close your eyes you can almost hear the eyeliner and sideburns)

"Yes, I did have a late night, because your brother snores. Snores loud enough for me to hear him from my room." I laugh, shaking my head. 

"So where did he sleep, then?" Aphmau asks, losing the cautious tone.

"The couch." I reply, just a bit quickly, standing back up.

"Are you sure about that, Gar? 'Cause, last time I checked, your bed has room for two.~  Let's see..." she counts on her fingers. "Garroth... and Laurance? Pretty sure that makes two." 

I throw a stale muffin at her head.

"Hey! I simply made an observation! Why you gotta be like dis??" She squeaks, and picks up the muffin. "Wow, this thing is SOLID."

I laugh,burying my face in my hands  and lean forward onto the counter.  This will be the death of me, I swear Irene...


*Laurance, Prince of oUR HEARTS*

I cross my arms, copying Zane, and raise an eyebrow at him. 

"So, why am I on trial here? Whatever I did, I didn't do it." I joke, in an attempt to soft him up. 

"Don't even pretend you weren't with Garroth. That's already a solidified fact. And you sure as hell know why you're 'on trial'" he growls.

"Geez, Zane, don't kill the man!" Travis laughs.

"I will if he even touched my big brother!" Zane snaps, and I lean back in my seat. This little emo man was intense.

"I swear, I didn't." I say, only kind of a lie. I did technically touch him, but definitely not in that way. C'mon guys, I respect boundaries.

"Why do I not believe you?" he growls, and I get the sudden impression of an angry jaguar ready to pounce.

"Beeeecause you're obsessively protective of your brother, who is perfectly capable of taking care of himself, to the point of ignoring me?" I laugh hollowly. I couldn't believe this.

Zane opens his mouth to retort, but shuts it, cold blue eyes (he has two eyes, guys. I know you can only see one but guys he has two) flickering angrily. Dante snickers, which only seems to anger our friend One-Eye even more.

"Then what  were you doing in my big brother's apartment last night?" he asks, hands on his hips.

"I stayed the night because I lost my keys." I shrug, faking a casual tone.

"And you slept where~? Answer carefully, we're comparing your answers to Garroth's." Travis says, leaning against the couch.

"The couch, where else would I even sleep?" I scoff.

"Vylad's bed, according to Garroth." Dante smirks, his phone hanging from between his thumb and forefinger. (EXTREME PHONE PINCHING)

I draw in a sharp breath, and Travis and Dante smirk. I decide to gamble that they're bluffing. "Oh please, Vylad's bed is covered with books and shit. I slept on the couch. Garroth told you the same thing."

"Dammit, I thought that you would crack!" Dante says, throwing his phone onto the couch.

"Now, I have just one question-- why would Garroth even be telling you guys this?" I raise an eyebrow, sitting forward a bit.

"Oh, he's not, the Katemau Pair is grilling him, I think they have Cadenza too." Travis says casually, picking up Dante's phone. "Yo, Dante, who's Caramel-Corn? Cause you just got like, four texts from her since you put your phone down."

Dante suddenly perks up. "Just a friend."

"A friend with hearts beside their name? Seems legit."

Dante lunges at Travis and snatches his phone back.  I hold back a laugh and glance at Zane, who I guess looks mildly amused with this whole ordeal.

"Alright, boys, stop fighting and lets go save Garroth from my sister. We can continue this interrogation later." I say, standing and grabbing a pair of keys from my/Garroth's pockets.

I'm actually very suprised nobody noticed I'm wearing his pants.


haha I'm home alone and it's freaking silent and I feel like I'm gonna throw up haha

oh no now I'm attention seeking I must leave now

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