Chapter 24

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(Already 24 chapters? Wow I need a life don't I)

*Laurance the nerd king*

I cover my blushing face with my hands. Dante just had to go and say something like that. I shouldn't even be suprised by now. I should just be glad Garroth didn't hear him. (Are you sure about that fren)

Dante headed off to go flirt with some chick and Travis seemed to be talking to Sunshine's little brother, who awkwardly shifted around in his chair as she spoke. I wonder why he was so uncomfortable....

"Hey, little dark cloud. You're Garroth's little brother, right? I'm Travis, one of his friends." Travis sticks out his hand for the ebony haired boy to shake, who looks startled by the sudden movement.

"I'm Zane. Yes, Garroth is my older brother." Zane pushes away Travis' outstretched hand as if it were a snake.

Geez, was he afraid he was gonna get hit or something?

I shake my head, looking down at my phone as they continue chatting. I scroll through my instagram feed. Which, really was just an extensive collection of pictures of food, coffees, and Dante and Travis' selfies.  One catches my eye, one of Aphmau and Katelyn. Katelyn is holding up the phone high, showing a scared Aph hiding under a blanket, popcorn spilled all over her couch. I chuckle. These two are a couple I just know it. If not now, then soon.  (I squealed writing that. Katemau)

I'm shaken from my thoughts by the sound of Garroth placing three coffee cups on the table. I look up at him and I can't help but smile back at him. I swear, it's contagious.

"You looking at that picture of Aphmau and Katelyn?" He says, seeing the image on my phone screen.

"Yeah, you gotta admit, they're adorable together." I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Definitely. Mau is totally head over heels for her." He states, a small smile on his face.

"Really?" I look at the blond curiously.

"Yeah, trust me. Mau tells me everything." He shrugs. "But don't tell her I told you, she would absolutely murder me."

"Hmm... I'll spare you and keep my mouth shut." I grin. (So glad I went back and proofread this... almost said a completely different sentence there 😅)

"How generous." He laughs.

Dante walks back over, a slightly defeated look on his face. It's immediately replaced with a smirk when he sees how close me and Garroth are... actually, he was pretty close to me, now that I notice. I shift on my seat, and Garroth seems to notice as well, as he moves away a bit, the warmth by my arm suddenly leaving.

"Well, Garroth, nice seeing you, but me and the guys ought to go. We have some things to get done and you need to finish your shift." Dante smiles, picking up his coffee.

"Indeed I do. See you guys later." He smiles brightly and goes back, jumping behind the counter.

"Cmon, Travis!" I grab the warm coffee cups, handing one to Travis.

"Oh, gotta go. See ya later, little  rain cloud!" Travis grins, waving to Zane.

We walk out of the cafè and I turn, punching Dante hard in the arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" He says.

"You know exactly what for, you doofus! I hate yoooou." I whine, faking a pout.

"But you can't say the same thing for Garrorh.~"

"...Can we just take a moment and appreciate how Garroth wrote 'smurf' on Dante's cup underneath the cardboard though?" Travis says, pointing at Dante's cup.

Sure enough, written there is the word 'smurf' looking like it was written by a teenage girl. I have to laugh. That dork...

"Really? Smurf? Lemme guess, it's because of my hair. Why is it always the hair people go after?" Dante says, shaking his head as we walk.

"Hey, you got it better than me, mine says Gandalf the Grey. I feel very attacked about my hair color right now." Travis jokes.

I look at my own cup, curiously.

'Secretly pastel nerd'

Well. Curiosity killed the cat, I guess.

But satisfaction brought it back. I smile to myself.

"What are you grinning about? What did Garroth write on your cup?" Travis asks, smirking at me.

"Probably something cute or sweet or anything that could make a Laurance melt. Face it, buddy. New Guy has you wrapped around his finger." Dante chuckles, nodding slowly.

I scoff, faking being offended. "I'm hurt, you think I can be won by dorky messages on coffee cups?"


"Pretty much, yeah."


I hate them


*spends days writing this*

*it's still trash.

Well, I tried. Don't murder me please. Have some cute, slight fluff for now. Don't worry, soon the real fluff shall commence.

Anywhozzles, I hope you all enjoyed!
Bye byee~ ♡

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