Chapter 26 in which a much stuff happens but that's how the ship sails my frens

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*Laurance Dameron*

I check the clock. 3 pm. In about an hour is when we agreed on meeting at the festival. I grab my hoodie, pulling it over my head. I really was not excited for this, to be honest. Every year, something goes horribly wrong. I could only wonder what his year would hold. But we all put up with it to see Aph happy. And his year, I'm actually kind of hoping to get to know Garroth better, since he'll be coming along.

I look in the mirror and fix my light brown hair, pushing it out of my eyes.  About as ready as I'll ever be. I check my phone, and text Dante and Travis, I had offered to drive them.

Me: Hey guys, coming to get you. Be there in about 10 minutes.

I quickly get a reply from them, just them saying stuff like see ya soon and almost ready. I put my phone in my pocket, heading out.
I drum my fingers against the steering wheel outside of Dante and Travis' place, waiting for them. I have been waiting for at leas five minutes already. I let my mind wander, as I knew I could be waiting any amount of time for them

I wonder if Garroth needed a ride... maybe I should have asked him.  I groan. I'm such an idiot. Garroth doesn't own a car, and I doubt Zane does either.  How is Garroth doing living with his little brother again... they're just so different, I'd be shocked if they hadn't had a few quarrels.

My thoughts are interrupted by the slamming of doors. I look up to see Dante and Travis walking out. I sigh, looking at the clock. I waited fifteen minutes for-- wait, was I thinking for that long? I shake my head, honking the cars horn. Travis jumps, Dante laughing at him. I chuckle, and Dante sits in the front seat, plugging his phone into the audio jack.

"What are you doing?" I ask, wildly gesturing to his phone.

"What?! It's general law that the person sitting up front picks the music!" Dante grins.

"Why do I have to sit in the back?" Travis whines, buckling his seatbelt.

"Because I'm older." Dante says simply.

"By two months!"

I sigh. I'm driving a bunch of children around now, aren't I?


"Are we there yettttt?" Travis asks, for what must be the fifteenth time at the least.

I pull into the parking lot, and turn around to face Travis.

"The answer is finally yes. Now get out of my car before I drive it into the river."

"Okay, okay! I'm going!" Travis gets put of the car, along with Dante and I.

It looks like pretty much everyone else is here, Aphmau, Katelyn, Nicole, Lucinda and KC are all hanging out by the gate together, giggling and talking about... I don't know, whatever girls talk about. Garroth, Zane... and another guy I don't recognize are here as well, goofing off. I drift in their direction.

"Hey, Garroth!" The blond looks up, seeing me. He smiles brightly.

"Hey Laurance! You guys are finally here, I was wondering if we were going to have to go in without you." He laughs, pushing fluffy gold curls out of his face, turquoise blue eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, Dante and Travis take forever whenever we go anywhere. I waited for them at least fifteen minutes." I shake my head, a smile on my own lips. It's just contagious.

"Geez, even Mau doesn't take that long." Garroth rolls his eyes.

Zane speaks up, his growl of a voice a change from Garroth's. "Garroth, we're still here."

"O-Oh, sorry. Guess I got a little distracted." He stutters, and blushes sloghtly.

"Mmmhmmm. I finally come down and see my big bro and he's too distracted by some guy to even pay attention to me. Shameee." the brunet boy speaking laughs and turns to me, holding out a hand. "I'm Vylad, I'm the youngest brother here."

I look at the three for a moment. I could almost laugh, there wasn't one thing the three had in common look-wise. Zane and Garroth shared blue eyes, and Vylad's were green. None of them had the same hair color, either. Well, I guess the eye shape and noses were similar...

Then I caught myself staring at Garroth's lips. That when I decided it was none of my business and I should stop staring before he noticed. 

"Nice to meet you, Vylad." I laugh awkwardly, looking down at my feet.

"GUYS GET OVA HERE, LETS GOOO!" Aph could be heard yelling even if she was in Bright Port.

"Oh boy."




Voices in he distance: she's finally gone mad...

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