Chapter 9

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I don't really know what took over me when I invited Garroth to stay and sit, I hardly knew him. But something about him...  just felt magnetic; for a lack of better terms. He slide into the seat across from me, setting down his cup.

"I didn't know you liked to draw," he says, looking at my sketch. I had forgotten about it.

"Oh, yeah, I do every once in a while." I shut the sketchbook and put it back in my bag.

"It seems you're pretty good." He smiles at me. I swear to Shad, his smile could sink a thousand ships in  one bright flash.

"Heh, thanks," I mumble awkwardly, embarrassed by my own thoughts.

I look at him for a moment, probably looking just a tad creepy. His blond hair was a mess of wavy locks, often falling in his face and eyes. Shallow dimples appeared in his cheeks when he smiled, and his blue-green eyes sparkled. Not much, but enough for me to notice. I spot a small scar on his chin. How in the name of Irene did he get that..

I snap myself put of my thoughts. Why should I care? I don't.

"So, Garroth!" I chirp, rather uncharacteristically. "What we're you doing before you moved down here to Phoenix Drop?"

"Ahh, I was actually attending  O'khasis university. I decided I didn't want to go through another year in that campus," Garroth laughs. His laugh is really nice too. "Too many crazy people trying to do crazy things."

"Aren't you friends with Aph? She's pretty crazy." I point out.

"Not O'khasis students crazy, trust me. And my roommate was a real jerk."

"Huh. I know how that's like. I once had a roommate who tried to push me out a window."

Garroth raises his brows. "What? Why?"

"I stole his animal crackers." I grin.

"Yikes, now I know never to steal animal crackers." Garroth jokes.

"Apparently it's a crime punishable by being shoved out a window around here." I chuckle.

"One of my roommates replaced the soap with a bar of cheese, forgot about it, came home drunk as hell, and tried to wash his hamds. It ended up being rather hilarious." I note how Garroth says the word drunk as if he were swallowing poison, even though  he tried to hide it.

I put that thought aside. For another time, I guess.



"Wow, I can't tøp that story."

""Yeah, it's kind of unbelievable. I honestly thought it was an odd dream for a while." He gives a half smile, as if remembering it and laughs lightly.

After a moment or two of intensely awkward silence, I decide to ask a question.

"So what do you do for work?"

"Ohhh.. work? Uhmm... I.." He stammers and stumbles over his words, my question catching him off guard. (Fun fact my tablet tried to autocorrect guard to gaurence)

I smile absent minded  as him as he continues to stumble over his words like an idiot. A very attractive idiot, though.

"I'll take that as a 'you haven't gotten a job yet' sort of stammer." I smirk.

"Y-yeah, pretty much." He stutters.

"That's fine, you did just move here, like what? A day ago?" He nods, confirming me.

"Yeah, I didn't actually prepare much, it was kind of impulsive." He grins awkwardly, obviously trying to change the subject.

"That is one expensive impulse buy, dude." I joke, punching him lightly in the arm. His expression flickers, just for a second, as if he was almost... afraid I guess, I couldn't tell the emotion that ligered on his face for less than a second.

He laughs, almost as if that had never happened. "No kidding, I--" he's cut off by his phone buzzing.

"Ah, man, I gotta go."  He stands, grabbing his cup. "It was nice hanging out." He smiles sweetly at me.

A warmth spreads across my cheeks. Am I blushing...?  "Y-yeah! Totally! See ya larer, then?" I stutter slightly. Damn, that smile messed me up quick.

"Yeah. Bye, Laurance." He waves and walks out the cafè door, leaving me with my thoughts. I put my head in my hands. What just happened.. it's not like me at all to blush, let alone stutter.

'Maybe you like him,' a little voice in the back of my head suggests.


*Hyria's POV* (*shocked gasps from the crowd*)

Oh, those poor kids. Falling in love and not seeing it. Too common of a thing, I'd say. Love certainly has become harder and harder to spot these days, but between those two... it was so obvious to everyone but them, in their own world. Maybe.. just maybe they'll see. I sure hope so.

They're my new OTP.


Sorry this is up so late! I wanted to write a longer chapter for you guys. :3 I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I have been loving reading you guys comments! I'm glad you guys seem to be liking my silly little story.

See ya with a new chapter tomorrow!

Bye bye~ ♡ 

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