Chapter 16

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I bury my face in my pillow.

It's 3 am and I can't sleep for the life of me. I just haven't been able to sleep. Timezones will be the death of me. I stand up and walk into the kitchen, going to grab something to eat. I grab an apple and sit at the window, thinking.

Mau's friends are actually really great. They don't seem to mind where I come from and don't bug me about my family. I sigh, my family coming to mind. Zane was still in O'khasis and Vylad was doing his world travel thing. Mum and Dad... I cut my thoughts off there, pulling out my phone. I scroll through Twitter, liking posts and retweeting a few that I really enjoyed.

After a while I just stare out the window, looking at the stars and tall buildings. It was a relatively small city but it was absolutely beautiful, especially at night, when lampposts were lit, setting a warm white glow on brick buildings. Phoenix Drop was one of my favorite places on earth. Once home, always home, I guess.

I rub my eyes, looking at the clock. 4:32 am. I should probably go to bed.

~°~°~°~ tem skip~°~°~°~

I fumble to turn off my alarm, groaning. It's not that I'm not a morning person I just did not sleep well. I blink at the sunlight coming in through the windows. It's around 9:00, so it is logical that the sun is out, I guess. I pull my self out of my bed and get dressed. I stop for a minute, looking at my mother's necklace in the dresser. I grab it, throwing it on. It was a black cross that my mother was never seen without.I adjust it slightly, walking out the door.

The elevator takes me down to the lobby. I look around. The place is nearly empty since it's such late morning. I walk out, looking down at my phone, not really paying attention when someone rather ungracefully runs right into me, knocking us both over.




Also you are all going to hate me when I get more into Gar Gars background. All of you.

Anywhozzles, I hope you all enjoyed.

Bye bye~ ♡

Anywhozzles, I hope you all enjoyed.

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