Chapter 37

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(Pft what I totally didn't forget the entire subplot I had about Laur being a youtuber lol whatcha on 'bout?)

I let out a sigh, drumming my fingers on my laptop.  I had lost five thousand subscribers overnight. YouTube  had changed the algorithm  and such again. I run a hand through my hair, thinking. I could record a rant video, but many more creators with way larger fan bases had already done that. I have a better idea.

I sit down in my chair after turning on the camera and take in a deep breath. I duck out of the camera's view and hold the laptop on my lap. "One... two... three.." I murmur, before hopping up into the camera, grinning.

"Wowee, I've almost hit on million subscibers!" Pause to add children cheering sound affect. " I best check that subscriber cou--" I pull up the laptop and stare at the black screen, where I'll edit a screen shot  of my subsciber count after the big change.

I look into the camera with a fake sad look, mentally reminding myself to add a rain affect and sad violin music.

"Yeah!  So... umm.." edit that out. "Yeah,  I lost five thousand subscribers  overnight." I laugh, messing with my hair.

"So, I'm sure you're all tired of hearing content makers rant about the algorithm  change and such,  so I thought instead, I'd talk to you about what other career  choices I'm considering!" Add a dun dun duuuuun. (So many joshs)

I swivel the chair some. "The first one I considered was an odd one, but a detective!"

Swivel to the other side of the  camera. I put on a Sherlock Holmes deer hunter hat.

"Ma'am, what do you know about this dead man?" I ask, faking a really bad British accent. I can almost hear Garroth rolling his eyes.

Why am I thinking about him. I'm trying to record, dammit.

I roll back to the left side of the camera, throwing off the hat and picking up a bonnet from the prop pile. I tie it around my head, my hair poking my eyes.

The next voice I attempt a southern woman's voice. "No sir,  I'm afraid I do not... Detective Zvahl, please solve this murderrr!~" Oh god that was worse.

And again to the right side. I switch to a bowler hat and stick a fake mustache on.

"Laur-lock, I can help solve the case!" I fake an old man's voice this time, too old for John Watson but oh well.

I go to rip off the mustache. "Ow.. ow... oww..." I toss aside the hat and squirrelstache.

I repeat processes like this a few time, going through the occupations of doctor, chef, professional  dolphin tamer, and construction worker, messing up each job worse than the last.

"So... if we've learned anything from me making this video, it's that I need this job." I grin.

"So, anywhozzles, that's all for today, if ya liked the video..." crickets. "Good for you? Leave a like? Subscribe? Please, or I'll have to be a hobo on the streets again." I try to keep a straight face but end up laughing.

"Well, see you all again. Bye byeee!~" I shrink into the chair,  leaving the camera's view again.

I laugh, sitting up to turn off the camera.


I groan, rubbing my face. I've been editing for three hours watching me awkwardly fail at acting out each little job piece. It's so cringy. I pause for a moment, a notification lighting up my phone. I pick it up. Aph sent a text to the group chat.

Aphmau: GUYS. Need back up st my house, emotional  support necessary.

I furrow my brow, texting  up a reply,

Me: whats going on? Who?

Instead of answering, she sends a video of Garroth lying face down on the floor, muttering in... I think french?

Me: on my way.


I knock on Aph's door,  waiting outside. I shift in my jacket, shuffling my boots on the snowy ground. I hear Aphmau shout a muffled 'come in' and I open the door, warmth instantly hitting my face.

"Hey, guys!" I shout, shutting the door tightly behind me.

"In the living room!" Aph calls as I pull off my jacket and shoes. I set them down, walking to the living room.

Zane and Aph sit on the couch like normal people as Garroth still lays face down on the floor. Aphmau's hair is actually in a really nice intricate braid..

I sit down on the floor, and pets Garroth's hair. "Bad day?"

"Mmmmmhm." He groans in reply.

"Why am I not suprised that Laurance is the first one here?" Zane asks, looking at us both, and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

I blush slightly. "Because I live, like, three minutes away and I happened to be home?"


... I can hear the family resemblance.

"Zane, stop torturing us, please." Aph rolls her eyes.

"But it's so much fun."

I shake my head, playing with Garroth's hair more. It's so fluffy. Like a blond cloud or something. I twist one of the curls around my pinky finger, it bouncing back. I pull my fingers through, watching the gold strands fall back to his head. It's rather therapeutic for both of us, apparently, as I can see a little smile on his face.

"So what's got you all mopey, blondie?" I ask, leaning forwards so he can see me.

He turns over on his back, propping himself up on an elbow. "Don't call me that."

"Hmph. Fine then. But still, answer the question, please?" I smile, leaning more on my palms set on the floor in front of me.

"Hmmm, I could, but you not having any sense of personal space makes it a bit distracting."


"Distracting? How so, Blondie?~" I tease, leaning forward even more.

"I told you to not call me that, didn't I?" He says, grinning.

"And who said I have to listen to you, hmmmm?~" I scootch a little closer.

"Well, no one ever said you have to, it would just be nice. I don't rather appreciate your teasing."

"Awww,you don't?  But its so fun." I inch closer, to the point where our noses are touching.

"I-- te-- err.." Garroth.exe has crashed.

Before I can say anything else, I hear Dante.



Fluffles and nose booping

That is all

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