hospitals aren't that bad

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this book is dedicated to the lovely HufflepuffGirl13



Mitch was laying down in his hospital bed, his head leaned back against the pillows and his fingers tapping away at his phone screen.

It was around 2am, and everyone else in the hospital was asleep. However, Mitch was an insomniac, and sleep came very rarely for him.

That wasn't why Mitch was in the hospital, though. Not directly, anyway. He was so tired he crashed his car.

"You should go to sleep, Mitch," a soft voice suddenly spoke, and Mitch's head snapped up to see the kind male nurse in the doorway. He relaxed and shut his phone off, submerging them into darkness. "I can't," he said quietly. The nurse frowned and came over, sitting down on the edge of Mitch's bed. "Why not?" Mitch sighed tiredly and looked up at him. "I have insomnia, Scott. You know that."

The nurse, who we now know is called Scott, nodded slowly. "Yeah, I know. What if I sang you a lullaby?" Mitch laughed quietly, but was grateful to the darkness that hid his blush. "You don't have to. It's not your responsibility," he said, not looking up.

Mitch felt his bed dip and shift and then strong arms drape across his waist. He looked up confusedly at Scott, tilting his head. "What are you doing?" he asked quietly, but Scott didn't answer, pulling Mitch's small body to his chest.

Mitch was still confused, but he slowly relaxed and closed his eyes, feeling safe for the first time in a while in Scott's arms.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Scottie's gonna buy you a mockingbird."

Mitch leaned his head against Scott's chest, smiling slightly at the sound of his voice.

"And if that mocking bird don't sing,
Scottie's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

"And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Scottie's gonna buy you a looking glass.

"And if that looking glass is broke,
Scottie's gonna buy you a billy goat.

"And if that billy goat won't pull,
Scottie's gonna buy you a cart and bull.

"And if that cart and bull turn over,
Scottie's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

"And if that dog named Rover won't bark,
Scottie's gonna buy you a horse and cart.

"And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."

By the time Scott had finished, Mitch's breathing had evened out and his body had relaxed. Scott smiled to himself and kissed his forehead, then carefully untangled himself from Mitch and tried to leave.

However, the sleeping Mitch had other ideas. He whined and reached desperately for him, and Scott had no choice but to crawl back into his arms, scared that Mitch would wake up again if he didn't.

Mitch relaxed again and set his head on Scott's chest, his warm, delicate hands clutching Scott's uniform.

Scott smiled down at the small boy sleeping peacefully in his arms and brushed his hair out of his eyes, kissing his forehead. "Sleep tight, Mitchie."

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