stare pt. 3

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"hi," mitch said, smiling at her. kirstie smiled back and nodded, moving aside. "hi, mitch. he's in the living room. be careful, try not to scare him. his last boyfriend..." she trailed off, her smile faltering, before she quickly strengthened it again. "just be careful." mitch nodded, brushing off his concern, and smiled at her one last time as she led him to the living room.

"kirstie?" scott said quietly as he heard footsteps, but he froze as he saw mitch. mitch smiled kindly and glanced back at kirstie as she disappeared back into the kitchen, then slowly sat down next to scott. "hi, scottie." scott stared at him with wide eyes for a moment more before he suddenly blushed furiously and got up. "i- i'm in my pajamas, i'm sorry," he murmured, then muttered angrily at himself, "stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid-"

"hey, it's okay. i don't mind," mitch said softly, frowning. "come back, please." scott hesitated, looking up at him, before slowly sitting down. "how much did kirstie pay you for you to come?" he asked quietly, and mitch frowned even more, shaking his head. "kirstie didn't pay me. i wanted to see you," he said quietly, reaching out to gently take his hand. scott's breathing hitched and he stared down at their intertwined fingers, a blush slowly rising in his cheeks.

kirstin emerged just then, carrying two glasses of wine and balancing the bowl of goldfish between her arm and her side. scott looked up at her and shrunk away from the food immediately, turning his head to stare at his lap. kirstie smiled sadly and placed the food on the coffee table and gave one wine glass to mitch, forcing scott to scoot over closer to mitch as she sat down. "what do you want to watch?" she asked cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood. scott kept his gaze on his lap and didn't say anything - he rarely did whenever she asked what he wanted to do. luckily, mitch saved him by humming softly. "what movies do scott like?" he asked, and kirstie smiled, glancing down at her blond friend. "finding nemo."

"then we'll watch that."

scott blushed and peeked up at mitch, subconsciously curling up against kirstin. she smiled and playfully shoved him towards mitch. "cuddle with him, dork." scott blushed more and stared shyly at mitch, and mitch smiled encouragingly, leaning back against the armrest and opening his arms. scott hesitated, glancing back at kirstie questioningly. her smile fell. "scott, we've talked about this. you don't have to ask me permission to do anything. you're your own person. i don't control you, okay?" she said softly, trying to keep mitch from hearing. however, mitch heard anyway, and he felt a chill go down his spine. he desperately wanted to ask why scott thought that way, but didn't dare. he forced himself to pretend to be oblivious.

scott hesitated again at her words, but slowly nodded. "yes, mistress," he whispered, crawling into mitch's arms before kirstie could say anything more. she sighed quietly, but put on a tired smile. "nemo it is, then," she said, getting up to put in the movie. mitch smiled and nodded, wrapping his arms around scott and smiling wider as the blond nuzzled against him.

internally, scott was freaking out. he was scared to move, terrified he'd do something wrong and mitch would make him get off. his heart was racing. he'd never been this close to mitch before - he could hear the steady beat of mitch's heart and feel the warmth radiating off his skin. his stomach was doing flips as a swarm of butterflies fluttered around. you're going to crush him. the sudden thought flashed through scott's mind, and he panicked even more, if possible. he shook his head frantically and quickly moved off.

mitch frowned and wrapped his arms around himself. did he do something wrong? "where are you going?" he asked softly, tilting his head. "i'll crush you," scott whimpered immediately, shaking his head again and wedging himself between the other armrest and the cushions. kirstie glanced back at them from where she'd been getting the movie ready and sighed, turning back to her work. "you're not going to crush him, scott," she said without looking back. it appeared as though they've had this conversation before. scott nodded quickly, looking at her. "yes, i will. i'm-"

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