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this ending highkey sucks i apologize


trigger warning: abuse and murder

Scott watched the house, waiting patiently for his moment to come. At exactly 8:00, a man walked out of the house and got into his car, driving away. Scott knew the Omega inside would be cleaning up the kitchen until 8:10, when he would head up to his and his Alpha's bedroom to make the bed and get ready for the day. That was when Scott would make his move. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Those ten minutes were the longest of Scott's life. Finally, his phone beeped, and he slipped out of his hideout and made his way through the woods to the house. Ever so quietly, he climbed the tree in the backyard and jumped onto the porch, landing softly like a cat. He entered the passcode, disabling the alarm, and entered the house.

Scott's heart pounded as he crept up the stairs. He could hear the Omega rustling around in the bedroom he shared with his Alpha, and he could hardly hold back a grin. When he turned the corner, he saw the small boy rifling in the dresser, his back to the open bedroom door. Scott slipped his hand into his pocket and gripped the rag inside as he sneaked up behind him. He'd never been this close to his love before, and his excitement distracted him from the Omega's flinch when he grabbed him. He pressed the cloth to the Omega's face, covering his mouth and nose, and held him to his chest. The Omega struggled for only a few moments before falling limp, relaxing into Scott's arms, and Scott smiled as he scooped him up. "Sweet dreams, my love," he whispered. "We'll be home soon."


When Mitch woke up, the first thing he felt was confusion, and it took a moment before the previous events came back to him. The second thing he felt was panic. He looked around the room he was in with wide eyes, searching for a way out. It appeared to be just a regular bedroom with a baby monitor on the bedside table, and the window outside showed a view of trees. He tried to get up, but his wrists were tied to the headboard with a soft silk scarf. Tears filled his eyes and his heartbeat picked up and he couldn't breathe. His Alpha would kill him.

Scott stared at his computer. The screen was blank, and the work he was supposed to be doing just wouldn't get done. He kept glancing at the baby monitor he'd placed neatly beside his computer. Right on time, a soft rustling came from the speakers, and his features lit up with a smile. He got up and left his office, making his way down the hall to the bedroom. His heart filled with warmth at the sight of his love. "Good morning, angel," he murmured, and Mitch quickly turned to face him, fear in his eyes. "I hope you slept well. Do you like your room?" Scott came fully inside and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "I designed it especially for you." Mitch flinched when Scott sat down, but he didn't dare move away. His tears started to fall.

Scott's heart broke and his smile fell instantly. "Oh, sweetheart... please don't cry..." he murmured gently, caressing Mitch's cheek to brush away his tears. Mitch flinched again at the touch, but he didn't dare pull away. "We're meant to be together. This is for the best, I promise. You'll love it here."

Mitch whimpered involuntarily and subconsciously gripped the scarves holding his wrists together, trembling. Scott sighed and reluctantly pulled his hands away from Mitch. "I'm sorry, baby. I'd love to untie you, but I can't risk you trying to leave me. We're meant to be together." He bent to give Mitch's forehead a soft kiss. "I'll go make you some breakfast. You must be hungry." He forced himself to leave Mitch alone, quietly closing the door behind himself.

Mitch watched him go, unable to stop crying. He didn't know how to feel. On one hand, he was finally safe from his Alpha. However, who knew how this Alpha would treat him? He'd probably be even worse. His touches had been soft, but then again, so had his Alpha's when they first got together.

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