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this was requested by AlexaLux

i'm so sorry this took so long and it's so bad


trigger warning: homophobia and murder

Kirstin sniffled and rubbed her eyes as she began to cry, crawling in bed and burrowing under the covers. She knew how pathetic she was, but she couldn't help it. She was only four, and her best friend had just been adopted. She had never felt more lonely and unwanted.

"Hey, sweetie. What's wrong?"

She jumped at the sound of the voice and sat up, looking around with wide eyes. "H-Hello?"

"We're over here, honey."

She turned and almost screamed at the sight of two men huddled together in the corner of her small orphanage bedroom. They looked odd, but she couldn't decide if it was because they wore clothes like princes or if it was because they had a ghostly aura surrounding them. Maybe it was both. "Wh-Who are you? Why are you in my room?"

"My name is Mitch, darling. This is Scott." The shorter one, Mitch, came forward and sat on the end of her bed. "We heard you crying, and we wanted to see if you were okay."

She hesitated. Scott approached too, but he stopped before her bed and set his hand on the shorter one's shoulder. She supposed they looked nice enough.

"I guess I'm okay," she mumbled, looking down to her ratty comforter. "I'm just sad 'cause Jenny got adopted and I didn't. Now I'm all alone again. What if no one wants me?"

"Oh, sweetie." It was a different voice this time, and when she looked up, she realized it was Scott speaking. "You'll get adopted. We would've loved to have a little girl like you, anyone would. Just give it time, okay? Soon the right family will come along and treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

Kirstin nodded slowly. "Okay. I hope so."


A few years passed. Kirstin still saw Scott and Mitch, even though no one else seemed to be able to. It confused her because they could pick things up and move them around, and sometimes they hugged her when she really needed one.

She loved them a lot. They were always so nice to her.  She didn't understand why she was the only one that could see them, but she didn't mind. It was nice having something entirely her own.

As she got older, kids started picking on her, but Scott and Mitch were always there for her. Once, Scott had picked up a book and lightly smacked a bully on the chest, and ever since then, the kids had been afraid to make fun of her. They thought she had magical powers and would put a curse on all of them.

When she was seven, she got adopted finally. The family was warned about her "magic powers" and about how she often seemed to talk to herself in her room, but they loved her anyway. She loved them too, but she always felt Scott and Mitch were her real parents.

At the age of sixteen, she got curious as to how Scott and Mitch had died. She decided to ask Scott one morning when Mitch was watching the sunrise.

"Scotty?" she murmured, her eyes drooping closed at the feeling of his fingers gently trailing through her hair. Scott hummed softly to show he heard her, so she continued. "How did you and Mitch die?"

Scott's hand paused. She frowned a bit and looked up at him. "Scotty?"

He glanced down at her and stared for a long time. She sat up, feeling worried. "Scotty? Do you need me to get Mitch?"

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